Representative H&E images (from 3–5 experiments) of kidneys from P2X4 wild type (WT), P2X4 heterozygous (HTZ) and P2X4 deficient (KO) mice subjected to sham surgery or to 30 min renal ischemia and 24 hrs reperfusion (IR, magnification 200X). Renal injury scores assessing the degree of renal tubular necrosis is also shown here (scale: 0–4) 24 hrs after renal IR (N=3–5). Filled arrowheads indicate damaged tubules (tubular necrosis, proteinaceous casts, tubular dilatation, and congestion) and blank arrowheads indicate normal or uninjured renal tubules after IR. For statistical analysis, the Mann–Whitney nonparametric test was used to detect significant changes. #P<0.05 vs. P2X4 WT mice subjected to renal IR injury. Error bars represent 1 SEM.