Figure 2.
Snapshots from the time evolution of the MT cytoskeleton configuration under the effect of the capture-shrinkage mechanism alone (dynein density ρIS = 100 μm−2). MTs are connected to the MTOC indicated by the large black sphere. Blue and red curves are unattached and attached MTs. Small black spheres in the IS represent dyneins. The brown cylinder indicates the center of the IS, where the capture-shrinkage dyneins are located. (a and d) dMIS = 9 μm. Initially, the attached MTs sprout from the MTOC in all directions. (b and e) dMIS = 6 μm. As time progresses, MTs form a stalk connecting the MTOC and the IS. (c and f) dMIS = 2.5 μm. The stalk is fully formed, and it shortens as the MTOC approaches the IS. To see this figure in color, go online.