Capture-shrinkage mechanism: (a) the dependence of the average MTOC-IS distance on time. The error bars are represented by dashed lines and are plotted only if bigger than a symbol size. (b–d) Dependencies of the average MTOC velocity (b), the number of dyneins acting on microtubules (c), and the MTOC-center distance (d) on the average MTOC-IS distance are shown. Black dashed lines denote transitions between different phases of the repositioning process. (e and f) Probability distributions of the angles between the first MT segments and the direction of the MTOC movement for a dynein density ρIS = 100 μm−2 (e), t = 1 s, ∼ 9 μm are given. (f) t = 60 s, ∼ 5 μm. To see this figure in color, go online.