Table 1.
List of notations.
Symbol | Units | Description |
d | cm | Depth |
Dw | cm2d−1 | Water diffusivity |
e3 | (0,0,1) | Standard unit vector |
J | cm3cm−2d−1 | Water flux per unit soil surface area |
kr | cm3cm−2cm−1d−1 | Root radial conductivity (defined as volume of water per unit root surface area, pressure head gradient and time) |
kx | cm4cm−1d−1 | Specific root axial conductance |
K(θ) | cm3cm−2d−1 | Soil hydraulic conductivity |
Ksat | cm3cm−2d−1 | Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity |
l | cm | Length |
n | – | van Genuchten shape parameter |
q | cm3cm−2d−1 | Water flux per unit root surface area |
Q | cm3d−1 | Volumetric water flow rate |
cm3d−1 | Daily average volumetric water flow rate | |
Qr | cm3d−1 | Radial root water flow rate |
Qx | cm3d−1 | Axial root water flow rate |
rroot | cm | Root radius |
Sw | cm d−0.5 | Sorptivity (infiltration) or desorptivity (evaporation) |
t | d | Time |
v | (v1,v2, v3) | Normalized direction of the xylem, pointing toward the root tip |
w | cm | Width |
x, y, z | Spatial coordinates, z-axis pointing upward, soil surface is at z = 0 | |
Y | – | Cumulative root fraction from surface to depth d |
α | cm−1 | van Genuchten shape parameter |
β | – | Root distribution index |
η | cm | Position of the infiltration front (Equation 4) |
λ | – | van Genuchten-Mualem parameter |
Λ | – | Root domain (network of root center-lines) |
Ω | – | Soil domain |
Φ | cm2d−1 | Matric flux potential |
θ | cm3cm−3 | Volumetric water content |
θa | cm3cm−3 | Reference water content |
θres | cm3cm−3 | Residual water content |
θsat | cm3cm−3 | Saturated water content |
ψ | cm | Water pressure head, described as potential energy per unit weight of water (i.e., units are cm of water column), given as relative to air pressure of 1,020 cm and excluding the gravitational potential |
ζ | Local coordinate along root axis | |
Sub indices | ||
collar | Root collar (upper boundary of root system domain) | |
i | Initial | |
pot | Potential | |
r | Radial | |
res | Residual | |
s | Soil | |
sat | Saturation | |
seg | Root segment | |
sim | Simulation | |
sur | Soil surface | |
tip(s) | Root tip(s) (boundaries of root system domain) | |
top | Top, position of the soil surface | |
out | Outer radius of soil cylinder around a single root | |
x | Xylem |