Analysis of occurring TP63 genetic alterations in lung squamous (LUSC), cervical (CESC), oesophagus (ESCA), head‐and‐neck (HNSC) and pancreatic (PAAD) tumours. CBioPortal.
Expression of TP63 (left) and USP28 (right) in human lung (n = 498), cervix (n = 254), oesophagus (n = 96) and HNSC (n = 522) SCC tumours and normal non‐transformed tissue (nLung = 338 nCervix = 3, nOesophagus = 11 and nHNSC = 44). In box plots, the centre line reflects the median, the cross represents the mean, and the upper and lower box limits indicate the first and third quartiles. Whiskers extend 1.5× the IQR. P‐values were calculated using two‐tailed t‐test statistical analysis. Xena UCSC software.
Correlation of mRNA expression of KRT14/KRT7 and TP63 in ADC and SCC tumours for lung (nADC = 513 and nSCC = 498), cervix (nADC = 47 and nSCC = 254) and oesophagus (nADC = 89 and nSCC = 96). Blue dots: ADC; red dots: SCC; R = Spearman's correlation coefficient; m: slope. Xena UCSC.
Spearman's correlation values of the gene list “Squamous cancer markers” and TP63, c‐JUN, c‐MYC or NOTCH1 in lung (n = 1,011), cervix (n = 301), oesophagus (n = 185), HNSC (n = 522) and PAAD (n = 178) tumours. Intense blue: low correlation; intense red: strong correlation. GEPIA software.
Immunoblot of control (sh‐NTC) and two independent shRNA targeting USP28 (sh‐USP28#1 and #2) for ∆Np63, KRT14 and USP28 protein abundance in H1299, LUDLU‐1adh, HeLa, SiHa, Ca Ski, PANC‐1 and BXPC‐3 (ACTIN as loading control).
Cells were seeded at equal cell density and counted after 5 days, bright‐field images of control or sh‐USP28#2‐infected H1299, LUDLU‐1adh, HeLa, Ca Ski, PANC‐1 and BXPC‐3 cells before quantification. Scale bar = 30 μm.
Relative number of H1299, LUDLU‐1adh, HeLa, Ca Ski, SiHa, PANC‐1 and BXPC‐3 sh‐USP28#2 cells compared with sh‐NTC control cells. P‐values were calculated using two‐tailed t‐test statistical analysis. SiHa* = notably, the human SCC cell line SiHa was negative for ΔNp63.
Data information: All quantitative graphs are represented as mean ± SD of three experiments (
= 3).
< 0.0001. See also
‐values and statistical test used).