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. 2020 Apr 6;20:278. doi: 10.1186/s12885-020-06780-x

Table 1.

Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics of patients

Patient characteristic ECOG 2 group ECOG 0–1 group Pb
EP arm (n = 31) PC arm (n = 40) pa EP arm (n = 64) PC arm (n = 56) pa
Age 0.746 0.403 0.923
  < 65, y 23 (74.2%) 31 (77.5%) 51 (79.7%) 41 (73.2%)
  ≥ 65, y 8 (25.8%) 9 (22.5%) 13 (20.3%) 15 (26.8%)
 Median 56 58.5 59 56
 Range 32–70 42–70 33–70 39–70
Gender 0.627 0.382 0.308
 Male 25 (80.6%) 34 (85.0%) 55 (85.9%) 51 (91.1%)
 Female 6 (19.4%) 6 (15.0%) 9 (14.1%) 5 (8.9%)
Weight loss 0.276 0.878 0.674
  < 5% 17 (54.8%) 27 (67.5%) 42 (65.6%) 36 (64.3%)
  ≥ 5% 14 (45.2%) 13 (32.5%) 22 (34.4%) 20 (35.7%)
Smoking history 0.887 0.644 0.457
 Yes 22 (71.0%) 29 (72.5%) 48 (75.0%) 44 (78.6%)
 No 9 (29.0%) 11 (27.5%) 16 (25.0%) 12 (21.4%)
Pathology 0.912 0.500 0.082
 Squamous 23 (74.2%) 31 (77.5%) 42 (65.6%) 31 (55.4%)
 Adenocarcinoma 6 (19.4%) 6 (15.0%) 14 (21.9%) 15 (26.8%)
 Other 2 (6.5%) 3 (7.5%) 8 (12.5%) 10 (17.9%)
AJCC stage 0.747 0.566 0.326
 IIIA 6 (19.4%) 9 (22.5%) 19 (29.7%) 14 (25.0%)
 IIIB 25 (80.6%) 31 (77.5%) 45 (70.3%) 42 (75.0%)
Tumor stage 0.612 0.392 0.662
 T1 1 (3.2%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
 T2 19 (61.3%) 22 (55.0%) 41 (64.1%) 33 (58.9%)
 T3 7 (22.6%) 13 (32.5%) 17 (26.6%) 13 (23.2%)
 T4 4 (12.9%) 5 (12.5%) 6 (9.4%) 10 (17.9%)
Nodal stage 0.594 0.564 0.409
 N2 9 (29.0%) 14 (35.0%) 23 (35.9%) 23 (41.1%)
 N3 22 (71.0%) 26 (65.0%) 41 (64.1%) 33 (58.9%)
Pre-RT pulmonary function
 FEV1 (L)c 2.09 (1.08–4.38) 1.99 (1.17–2.98) 0.638 2.23 (1.15–4.05) 2.07 (0.84–3.08) 0.266 0.277
 FEV1 (% predicted) c 65.1% (35.6–117.1%) 65.5% (42.4–103.6%) 0.656 70.3% (39.3–110.6%) 63.1% (22.3–96.7%) 0.133 0.607

Abbreviations: EP etoposide/cisplatin, PC paclitaxel/carboplatin, ECOG Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group, AJCC American Joint Committee on Cancer, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 s

ap value for testing the null hypothesis of no difference between patients receiving EP and PC chemotherapy

bp value for testing the null hypothesis of no difference between ECOG 2 group and ECOG 0–1 group

c Median (range)