Table 3.
Combination | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
Depth (D) | D10 | D10 | D10 | D10 | D25 | D25 | D25 | D25 | D40 | D40 | D40 | D40 |
Aeration (A) | AN | A1 | A2 | A4 | AN | A1 | A2 | A4 | AN | A1 | A2 | A4 |
Irrigation (I) | I70 | I80 | I90 | I70 | I80 | I90 | I70 | I80 | I90 | I70 | I80 | I90 |
D10, subsurface tubing placement depth at 10 cm; D25, subsurface tubing placement depth at 25 cm; D40, subsurface tubing placement depth at 40 cm; AN, aeration treatments were none; A1, aeration at daily; A2, aeration at 2-day; A4, aeration at 4-day; I70 irrigation to 70% of the gravimetric field capacity; I80 irrigation to 80% of the gravimetric field capacity; I90 irrigation to 90% of the gravimetric field capacity