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. 2020 Mar 6;12(3):e7194. doi: 10.7759/cureus.7194

Table 1. Follow-up survey.

N/A: not available; SP: simulated person

Learning need Simulated environment   Importance of learning need
Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable   Agree Disagree Not applicable
C1. The simulation provided an opportunity for effective communication with the client/patient 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
C2. Practicing with the SP in the classroom is an effective method for developing communication/interviewing skills 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
C3. Practicing communication skills with the SP is a more effective method than practicing with classmates 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A4. The simulation provided authentic interaction with the client/patient 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A5. I was able to perform an appropriate assessment 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A6. I was able to identify the client/patient’s problem/condition 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A7. I was able to prioritize my assessment components 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A8. The simulation allowed me to recognize the significance of client/patient’s responses to history questions 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A9. The simulation allowed me to recognize the significance of client/patient’s responses to the physical assessment 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A10. The simulation provided the realism/authenticity of client/patient interaction 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A11. The interaction with the SP has allowed for implementing decision-making skills 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A12. The simulation allowed for the integration of assessment results 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A13. I felt challenged and stimulated 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A14. I felt confident in my abilities 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A15. The simulation provided me with the opportunity to know what to do 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A16. The simulation improved my critical thinking skills 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A17. The simulation contributed to my knowledge of assessment procedures 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
A18. Engaging with SP prepared me for working with real clients in the workplace or practice 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
F19. The simulation experience provided immediate feedback 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
F20. The feedback received from the SP was effective to my learning 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
F21. Feedback about my interactions with the SP was provided in a timely manner 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
F22. Feedback provided by the SP was helpful for my learning 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
F23. The feedback from the SP has allowed for self-reflection 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A
F24. The feedback from the SP has allowed me to make decisions in a more effective manner 4 3 2 1 N/A   2 1 N/A