Fig. 1.
Predicted capacity for N-acetylneuraminate scavenging by Mycoplasma alligatoris . (a) The horizontal line represents the interface between extracellular and intracellular processes (modified from [28]). (b) A cytosolic paralogue of sialidase NanI (MALL_0641) plus the N-acetylneuraminate transporter MALL_0642 and catabolic enzymes are encoded in two separate loci, while the gene encoding an extracellular sialidase NanI paralogue (MALL_0755) is unlinked from other elements of the pathway. Transposon insertion sites in independent mutants of the cytosolic sialidase gene nanI and the N-acetylneuraminate gene nanA are indicated by an X. The nucleotide numbering refers to GenBank assembly ASM17837v1.