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. 2015 Jun 15;2015(6):CD002280. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002280.pub2

DePaola 1980.

Study characteristics
Methods Study design: 4‐arm parallel‐group RCT (only 2 relevant arms used), placebo controlled
Study duration: 2 years, + 1‐year postintervention period (but only 1‐year results used)
Participants 270 children analysed at 1* year (after exclusions, present for both examinations)
Participants randomised (numbers NR)
Age range 12‐14 years (average = 13)
Surfaces affected: NR
Exposure to other fluoride: toothpaste assumed
Year study began: in/before 1977
Location: USA
Setting of recruitment and treatment: school
Interventions FG versus PL
(APF group = 12,300 ppm F)
Self applied under supervision, with tray, 10 consecutive applications (days) in 1st year, applied for 5 min
Prior to application = no tooth cleaning performed
Postop instruction = no information provided
Outcomes 1‐year* net DFS increment ‐ (CA) CL + XR
Reported at 1 and 2 year follow‐ups (and 1 year post‐treatment)
Declaration of interest No information provided.
Source of funding The study was supported by National Institute of Dental Research contract No NOI‐DE42445.
Notes Clinical (VT) caries assessment by 2 examiners; diagnostic threshold = CA; state of tooth eruption included NR. Radiographic assessment (2 postBW) by 2 examiners (diagnostic threshold NR); diagnostic errors NR.
*Intervention applied during 1st year of study only (final 2 years results not considered).
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Quote: “Subjects were randomly assigned to 1 examiner and 1 of 4 treatment groups at the time of the clinical examination”
Comment: Not enough information provided.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk No information provided.
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes Low risk Quotes: “A strict double‐blind routine was maintained throughout the course of the investigation.”
“The same procedure as group 1 except that placebo gel was used ...”
Comment: Use of placebo described.
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Low risk Quotes: “A strict double‐blind routine was maintained throughout the course of the investigation.”
“The same procedure as group 1 except that placebo gel was used ...”
Comment: Blind outcome assessment and use of placebo described.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes High risk Overall dropout for length of follow‐up: Not reported. Dropout by group: Not reported. Reasons for losses: Exclusions based on compliance and presence at all exams.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Outcomes reported: DFS increment ‐ (CA) CL + XR, reported at 1 and 2 year follow‐ups (and 1 year post‐treatment).
Comment: Trial protocol not available. All pre‐specified outcomes (in Methods) were reported and were reported in the pre‐specified way.
Baseline characteristics balanced? Unclear risk Prognostic factors reported: DFS, dental age and age reported as balanced (values not reported).
Free of contamination/co‐intervention? Low risk Quote: “Special care was taken to be sure that each subject received the proper agent ...”
Comment: There is sufficient indication overall of prevention of contamination/co‐intervention.