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. 2009 Apr 15;2009(2):CD003030. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003030.pub2

Leviton 1999.

Methods Cluster RCT 
 Follow up: 
 providers: DONE 
 patients: N/A 
 Blinded assessment: NOT CLEAR 
 Baseline: DONE 
 Reliable outcomes: DONE 
 Protection against contamination: DONE
Overall quality: HIGH
Participants Estimated 405 obstetricians in 27 hospitals and their preterm delivery cases 
 Country: UK 
 Proportion of eligible providers who participated: 90% 
 Community‐based care 
 Academic/Teaching setting: MIXED 
 Type of targeted behaviour: GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF A PROBLEM (preterm delivery) 
 Complexity of targeted behaviour: MEDIUM
Interventions 1. CME: opinion leaders (one physician and one nurse) appointed from each hospital by the director to serve as local experts + grand rounds lecture on antenatal corticosteroid therapy given by a nationally respected expert + chart reminder system for prompting for therapy + 1‐hour group discussion with scenarios, led by opinion leaders + monitoring care to provide feedback 
 2. No intervention control
Outcomes Professional practice: % of patients receiving antenatal corticosteroids 
 Patient: none 
 Seriousness of outcome: HIGH
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk A ‐ Adequate