Extended Data Fig. 10: Excessive neurogenesis in the Cep83 cKO cortex depends on excessive YAP activation.
(a) Representative high magnification images of P21 WT, Yap cKO, Cep83 cKO, and Cep83;Yap cDKO cortices stained for CTIP2 (green) and CUX1 (red), and with DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 100 μm. (b) Quantification of the number of CUX1+ neurons per 250 μm column. N = 8 brains for each genotype. (c) Representative en face images of coronal sections of E15.5 WT, Yap cKO, Cep83 cKO, and Cep83;Yap cDKO cortices stained for α-TUB (green) and ACTIN (red), and with DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 5 μm. (d-f) Quantification of the intensity of MT (d) per apical domain, individual apical domain size (e), and the intensity of PCNT per apical domain (f). A.U., arbitrary unit. WT, n = 1,730 apical domains from 4 embryos; Yap cKO, n = 1,074 apical domains from 3 embryos, Cep83 cKO, n = 456 apical domains from 3 embryos; Cep83;Yap cDKO, n = 540 apical domains from 3 embryos. For bar charts, data are shown as mean + SEM. For box-whisker plots: centre line, median; box, interquartile range; whiskers, minimum and maximum. Statistical analysis was performed with two-sided Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test.