Fig. 5.
DNT retrograde models are better predictors of synuclein inclusions closer to initial pathological injection, but anterograde DNT is a better predictor of synuclein inclusions as more time elapses following injection. (a) mPFF synuclein injected mice and (b) huPFF synuclein injected mice both show spatiotemporal synucleinopathy development such that at times closer to the initial injection, retrograde DNT is the best predictor, but at times farther from the injection, anterograde DNT better recapitulates αsyn inclusion spread than does retrograde DNT. (c) Calculated directional bias in the fit with data between anterograde and retrograde DNT models shifts toward anterograde DNT over time. A reference line at 0, the value at which there should be no directional bias, is added to the plot in (c). All data and NT simulation values are log-transformed prior to running statistics.