Table 2.
Correlations of all study variables. Note: T1 = Time 1, T2 = Time 2, Violence = total score reflecting the frequency of experiencing violence as assessed by the VEX-R; ItN = Income-to-Needs Ratio; Edu = Highest level of parental education; CS = cognitive Stimulation as assessed by the HOME; TW = total words; MLU = mean length utterance in words; NDW = number of different words; BDS = backwards digit span score to assess working memory; Simon = Simon Says score on inhibition trials to assess inhibition; DCCS = dimensional change card sort highest level passed to assess cognitive flexibility, AA = Academic achievement as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson Academic Skills Cluster * reflects p < .05, ** reflects p < .01
Age (T1) | Age (T2) | Sex | Violence | ItN (Log) | Edu | CS | TW | MLU | NDW | BDS (T1) | BDS (T2) | Simon (T1) | Simon (T2) | DCCS (T1) | AA | |
Age (T1) | ||||||||||||||||
Age (T2) | .702** | |||||||||||||||
Sex | .007 | −.001 | ||||||||||||||
Violence | .063 | −.031 | .010 | |||||||||||||
ItN (Log) | .078 | <.001 | −.016 | −.345** | ||||||||||||
Edu | −.014 | .073 | −.093 | −.359** | .493** | |||||||||||
CS | −.030 | .014 | .070 | −.174 | .474** | .528** | ||||||||||
TW | −.005 | −.107 | .138 | .130 | −.072 | .094 | −.060 | |||||||||
MLU | .064 | .067 | −.010 | −.017 | .067 | .304* | .194 | .611** | ||||||||
NDW | .045 | −.060 | .179 | .115 | .010 | .164 | .035 | .932** | .640** | |||||||
BDS (T1) | .214* | .177 | .082 | −.391** | .418** | .337** | .447** | −.060 | .150 | −.008 | ||||||
BDS(T2) | .391** | .323** | .085 | −.276* | .356** | .364** | .306** | .040 | .201 | −.126 | .523** | |||||
Simon (T1) | .035 | .162 | .013 | −.317** | .333** | .331** | .380** | .078 | .245* | .147 | .353** | .323** | ||||
Simon(T2) | −.073 | .152 | .216 | .−.071 | .057 | .118 | .337** | −.125 | .103 | −.076 | .133 | .320** | .334** | |||
DCCS(T1) | .108 | .125 | −.002 | −.279** | .339** | .291** | .420** | −.098 | .185 | −.033 | .510** | .351** | .458** | .232* | ||
DCCS(T2) | .063 | .239* | −.028 | −.099 | .214 | .238* | .386** | −.224 | .058 | −.139 | .266* | .266* | .254* | .134 | .481** | |
AA | −.022 | −.167 | −.126 | −.264* | .279* | .267* | .121 | −.130 | .006 | −.065 | .390** | .324** | .088 | −.003 | .312** | .177 |