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Table 4.

Risk factor characteristics for studies for readmissions for THA.

Predictors (level) Unit of measure & comparison Effect Size [CI] (wrt reference)a,b Study
Age (patient) 70-79/≥90 years OR: 1.35 [1.09–1.67] (≥90 wrt 70-79) (Basques, Bohl et al., 2015)
Age (patient) ≤55/56-65/66-75/≥76 years OR: 2.02 [1.14–3.60] (≥76 wrt ≤ 55) (Clement, Derman et al., 2013)
Age (patient) 65-74/75-84/85+ years RR: 1.45 [1.08–1.94] (75-84 wrt 65-74)
RR: 1.79 [1.08–2.10] (85+ wrt 65-74)
(Higuera, Elsharkawy et al., 2011)-a
Age (patient) 65-74/75-84/85+ years RR: 1.43 [1.14–1.80] (75-84 wrt 65-74)
RR: 1.25 [0.79–1.98] (85+ wrt 65-74)
(Higuera, Elsharkawy et al., 2011)-b
Age (patient) Continuous years OR: 1.06 [1.02–1.06] (Khan, Hossain et al., 2012)
Age (patient) <45/46-55/56-65/66-75/76-85/>85 years OR: 2.59 [1.44–4.67] (<45 wrt 56-65)
OR: 1.42 [1.08–1.85] (76-85 wrt 56-65)
OR: 1.79 [1.09–2.97] (>85 wrt 56-65)
(Pugely, Callaghan et al., 2013)-b
Age (patient) 50-59/60-69/70-79/>80 OR: 1.40 [0.72–2.69] (50-59 wrt <50)
OR: 1.66 [0.87–3.16] (60-69 wrt <50)
OR: 2.33 [1.18–4.59] (70-79 wrt <50)
OR: 4.17 [1.18–4.59] (>80 wrt <50)
(Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
Age (patient) 21-30/31-40/41-50/51-60/61-70/71-80/81-90/>90 years OR: 1.46 [1.17–1.82] (21-30 wrt 41-50)
OR: 0.99 [0.85–1.15] (31-40 wrt 41-50)
OR: 0.91 [0.84–0.98] (51-60 wrt 41-50)
OR: 0.98 [0.91–1.06] (61-70 wrt 41-50)
OR: 1.37 [1.28–1.47] (71-80 wrt 41-50)
OR: 1.97 [1.82–2.13] (81-90 wrt 41-50)
OR: 2.22 [1.87–2.63] (>90 wrt 41-50)
(Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Age (patient) Continuous years OR: 1.11 [1.07–1.14] (Sofu, Üçpunar et al., 2017)
Age (patient) <60/60-75/>75 years HR: 4.2 (60-75 wrt <60) HR: 10.6 (>75 wrt <60) (Weiss, Garellick et al., 2016)
Age (patient) Continuous years OR: 1.56 [1.27–1.92] (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
BMI - obesity (patient) <30/> = 30 kg/m2 OR: 1.15 [1.09–1.21] (≥30 wrt <30) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
BMI (patient) <18/18-25/25-30/30-35/≥35 kg/m2 OR: 1.73 [1.24–2.44] (≥35 wrt 18-25) (Basques, Bohl et al., 2015)
BMI (patient) <25/25-<30/30-<35/> = 35 kg/m2 OR: 2.28 [1.27–4.09] (≥35 wrt <25) (Clement, Derman et al., 2013)
BMI (patient) <18.5/25-<30/30-<35/35-40/>40 kg/m2 OR: 1.94 [1.02–3.70] (≥40 wrt <18.5) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
BMI (patient) <35/>35 kg/m2 OR: 1.47 [1.11–1.97] (>35 wrt <35) (Pugely, Callaghan et al., 2013)-a
BMI (patient) <40/>40 kg/m2 OR: 2.11 [1.19–3.72] (>40 wrt <40) (Shah, Keswani et al., 2017)
BMI (patient) BMI > 40 kg/m2 OR: 1.25 [0.73–2.16] (BMI >40 wrt no) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
BMI (patient) BMI > 40 kg/m2 OR: 1.47 [1.23–1.74] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
BMI (patient) Obesity as BMI > 45 kg/m2 (% readmitted) 11.3% (Schroer, Diesfield et al., 2018)
Race (patient) African/White OR: 0.66 [0.48–0.91] (White wrt African) (Zmistowski, Restrepo et al., 2013)
Race (patient) White/African/Hispanic-Asian-Native (Other) OR: 1.23 [1.15–1.31] (African wrt White)
OR: 1.02 [0.97–1.08] (Other wrt White)
(Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Race (patient) White/African/Hispanic/Asian/Native OR: 1.48 [1.34–1.62] (African wrt White)
OR: 0.79 [0.67–0.93] (Asian wrt White)
(Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Race (patient) Latino/non-Latino OR: 5.78 [4.04–7.52] (Latino wrt non-Latino) (Swenson, Bastian et al., 2018)-a
Race (patient) Latino/non-Latino OR: 9.09 [7.16–11.02] (Latino wrt non-Latino) (Swenson, Bastian et al., 2018)-b
Sex (patient) Male/Female OR: 1.36 [1.05–1.75] (Male wrt Female) (Zmistowski, Restrepo et al., 2013)
Sex (patient) Male/Female OR: 1.40 [1.20–1.63] (Male wrt Female) (Basques, Bohl et al., 2015)
Sex (patient) Male/Female OR: 1.25 [1.03–1.53] (Male wrt Female) (Pugely, Callaghan et al., 2013)-b
Sex (patient) Male/Female OR: 0.96 [0.93–0.99] (Female wrt Male) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Sex (patient) Male/Female OR: 2.78 [1.76–3.80] (Female wrt Male) (Swenson, Bastian et al., 2018)-b
Admission source (system) Home/Non-home OR: 2.36 [1.19–4.66] (Non-home wrt Home) (Khan, Hossain et al., 2012)
Disposition (system) Home/IRF OR: 1.99 [1.50–2.64] (IRF wrt Home) (Zmistowski, Restrepo et al., 2013)
Disposition (system) Home/Non-home facility OR: 1.42 [1.08–1.86] (Non-home facility wrt Home) (Basques, Bohl et al., 2015)
Disposition (system) Home/SNF/ALF OR: 1.71 [0.35–0.98] (Non-home wrt Home) (Heyes, Tucker et al., 2015)
Disposition (system) Other location (than home): Yes/No OR: 7.72 [5.87–9.57] (Yes wrt No) (Swenson, Bastian et al., 2018)-a
Disposition (system) Other location (than home): Yes/No OR: 8.90 [6.74–11.06] (Yes wrt No) (Swenson, Bastian et al., 2018)-b
Distance to facility (patient) Continuous kilometers OR: 0.52 [0.40–0.66] (Zmistowski, Restrepo et al., 2013)
Income (patient) First/Second/Third/Fourth quartile OR: 1.18 [1.12–1.24] (First wrt Fourth)
OR: 1.07 [1.02–1.12] (Second wrt Fourth)
OR: 1.03 [0.99–1.08] (Third wrt Fourth)
(Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Insurance (patient) Private/Medicare/Medicaid/Other OR: 1.21 [1.15–1.27] (Medicare wrt Private) OR: 1.68 [1.47–1.92] (Medicaid wrt Private) OR: 1.26 [1.04–1.54] (Other wrt Private) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
LOS (patient) Continuous days OR: 10.71 [5.68–20.19] (Zmistowski, Restrepo et al., 2013)
LOS (patient) Continuous days OR: 1.09 [1.03–1.16] (Clement, Derman et al., 2013)
LOS (patient) Continuous days OR: 0.95 [0.88–1.02] (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
LOS (patient) ≤5/>5 days HR: 3.26 [2.1–5.1] (>5 wrt ≤ 5) (Schairer, Sing et al., 2014)
LOS (patient) <7/> = 7 days OR: 3.13 [0.12–0.62] (≥7 wrt <7) (Heyes, Tucker et al., 2015)
Preoperative stay >24 h (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.45 [0.77–2.71] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Time to surgery (system) <36 h/>36 h OR: 1.62 [0.16–2.45] (>36 wrt <36) (Heyes, Tucker et al., 2015)
Type of anesthesia (provider) Spinal/Other RR: 0.65 [0.51–0.81] (Spinal wrt Other) (Higuera, Elsharkawy et al., 2011)-b
Type of surgery (patient) THA/TKA OR: 2.64 [1.84–3.44] (THA wrt TKA) (Swenson, Bastian et al., 2018)-a
Type of surgery (patient) THA/TKA OR: 3.04 [2.14–3.94] (THA wrt TKA) (Swenson, Bastian et al., 2018)-b
Type of surgery - revision (provider) Primary/Revision/AS THA HR: 1.84 [1.2–2.9] (Revision wrt Primary)
HR: 1.85 [1.0–3.5] (AS wrt Primary)
(Schairer, Sing et al., 2014)
Type of surgery - revision (provider) Primary/Revision THA OR: 1.82 [1.75–1.90] (Revision wrt Primary) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Type of surgery - use of specific prosthesis (provider) DHS/CN/HA THA OR: 1.51 [0.41–1.08] (CN wrt DHS)
OR: 3.10 [0.19–1.80] (HA or THA wrt DHS)
(Heyes, Tucker et al., 2015)
Type of surgery - procedure (provider) IMN/HA/ORIF/Total THA OR: 1.3 [1.1–1.5] (HA wrt IMN)
OR: 1.2 [1.1–1.4] (ORIF wrt IMN)
OR: 1.4 [1.1–1.9] (Total wrt IMN)
(Martin, Gao et al., 2016)
Fracture etiology (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.71 [1.25–2.34] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Hemoglobin level drop (patient) <2/≥2 g/dL OR: 1.29 [0.49–1.25] (Heyes, Tucker et al., 2015)
MELD score = 10 x [(0.957 x Ln serum creatinine) + (0.378 x Ln serum total bilirubin) + (1.12 Ln INR) + 0.643] (patient) Continuous OR: 2.99 [1.28–7.00] (Tiberi, Hansen et al., 2014)
Preoperative serum albumin level (patient) Continuous g/dL OR: 0.69 [0.48–0.99] (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Transfusion status (patient) ≥ 2 units: Yes/No OR: 1.85 [0.49–7.05] (Yes wrt No) (Heyes, Tucker et al., 2015)
Alcohol abuse (patient) None/Alcoholic OR: 1.52 [0.26–1.67] (Alcoholic wrt None) (Heyes, Tucker et al., 2015)
Anemia (patient) Hemoglobin <10 g/dL (% readmitted) 20% (Schroer, Diesfield et al., 2018)
Anemia (patient) HCT ≤ 36/>36: Yes/No OR: 1.2 [1.1–1.4] (Yes wrt No) (Martin, Gao et al., 2016)
Anemia (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.19 [1.15–1.25] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Arrhythmia (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.47 [1.36–1.60] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Arthritis (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.22 [1.09–1.36] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
ASA class (patient) Class 1 or 2/Class 3 or 4 OR: 1.42 [1.01–2.00] (ASA class 3 or 4 wrt ASA class 1 or 2) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
ASA class (patient) Class 3 or 4 OR: 1.69 [1.50–1.89] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
ASA class (patient) Class4/Class 3/Class 1-2 OR: 1.95 [1.48–2.57] (3 wrt 1-2)
OR: 2.74 [1.48–5.08] (4 wrt 1-2)
(Pugely, Callaghan et al., 2013)-a
ASA class (patient) Class 3/Class 4/Class 1-2 OR: 1.40 [1.09–1.79] (3 wrt 1-2)
OR: 1.90 [1.41–2.51] (4 wrt 1-2)
(Basques, Bohl et al., 2015)
ASA class (patient) 1/2/3/4 OR: 3.68 [0.06–1.15] (2 wrt 1)
OR: 1.95 [0.18–1.48] (3 wrt 1)
OR: 2.14 [0.16–1.34] (4 wrt 1)
(Heyes, Tucker et al., 2015)
ASA class (patient) Class 3/Class4/Class 1-2 OR: 1.5 [1.2–1.7] (3 wrt 1-2)
OR: 1.7 [1.4–2.1] (4 wrt 1-2)
(Martin, Gao et al., 2016)
ASA class (patient) Class 3-4/not 3-4 OR: 1.71 [1.19–2.46] (3-4 wrt not 3-4) (Shah, Keswani et al., 2017)
ASA class (patient) Class 3-4/not 3-4 OR: 2.85 [1.47–5.52] (3-4 wrt not 3-4) (Sofu, Üçpunar et al., 2017)
Atherosclerosis (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.31 [1.18–1.45] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Avascular necrosis etiology (patient) Relative to osteoarthritis or other etiology: Yes/No OR: 1.55 [1.25–1.92] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Bleeding disorder (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.76 [1.38–2.26] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Bleeding disorder (patient) Yes/No OR: 2.10 [1.32–3.37] (Yes wrt No) (Pugely, Callaghan et al., 2013)-a
Bleeding disorder (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.51 [0.75–3.03] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Bleeding disorder (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.3 [1.1–1.5] (Yes wrt No) (Martin, Gao et al., 2016)
Bleeding disorder (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.19 [1.08–1.32] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Bleeding disorders (patient) Current bleeding-causing disorder: Yes/No OR: 2.56 [1.22–5.38] (Yes wrt No) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
Cancer - disseminated (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.5 [1.1–2.0] (Yes wrt No) (Martin, Gao et al., 2016)
Cancer - disseminated (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.93 [1.01–3.68] (Yes wrt No) (Shah, Keswani et al., 2017)
Cancer (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.26 [1.05–1.51] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Cardiac disease (patient) Chronic heart failure in 30 days prior to surgery, myocardial infarction within 6 months of surgery, previous percutaneous coronary intervention, or history of angina within 1 month of surgery (yes/no) OR: 1.44 [0.73–2.84] (Yes wrt No) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
Cardiac valve disease (patient) Yes/No HR: 2.5[1.3–5.1] (Yes wrt No) (Schairer, Sing et al., 2014)
CCI (patient) Index between 0 and 8 RR: 1.17 [1.07–1.28] (Per index point increase) (Higuera, Elsharkawy et al., 2011)-a
CCI (patient) Index between 0 and 8 RR: 1.18 [1.11–1.26] (Per index point increase) (Higuera, Elsharkawy et al., 2011)-b
CCI (patient) 0/2/>2 HR: 3.4 (>2 wrt 0) (Weiss, Garellick et al., 2016)
Chronic heart failure (patient) Yes/No OR: 2.41 [1.30–4.49] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Congestive heart failure (patient) Yes/No RR: 2.93 [1.07–8.05] (Yes wrt No) (Higuera, Elsharkawy et al., 2011)-a
Congestive heart failure (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.54 [1.39–1.71] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Congestive heart failure (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.49 [1.38–1.61] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
COPD (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.36 [0.76–2.44] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
COPD (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.45 [1.34–1.56] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
COPD (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.3 [1.1–1.5] (Yes wrt No) (Martin, Gao et al., 2016)
COPD (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.33 [1.27–1.39] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Decubitus ulcer (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.61 [1.18–2.20] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Depression (patient) Yes/No OR: 3.48 [1.43–8.51] (Yes wrt No) (Ricciardi, Oi et al., 2017)
Diabetes - uncomplicated (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.21 [1.16–1.27] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Diabetes - with complications (patient) Yes/No HR: 11.55 [3.6–36.8] (Yes wrt No) (Schairer, Sing et al., 2014)
Diabetes (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.28 [0.82–2.01] (Yes wrt No) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
Diabetes (patient) Uncontrolled status > 180 mg/dL blood glucose (% readmitted) 11% (Schroer, Diesfield et al., 2018)
Diabetes (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.21 [1.04–1.40] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Diabetes (patient) Yes/No OR: 3.34 [1.54–7.25] (Yes wrt No) (Khan, Hossain et al., 2012)
Diabetes (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.24 [0.75–2.06] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Diabetes (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.28 [1.19–1.38] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Diabetes (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.37 [0.98–1.93] (Yes wrt No) (Shah, Keswani et al., 2017)
Dyspnea (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.3 [1.1–1.6] (Yes wrt No) (Martin, Gao et al., 2016)
Fluid & electrolyte disorders (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.21 [1.14–1.27] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Functional status (patient) Dependency: Yes/No OR: 1.47 [1.08–2.01] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Functional status (patient) Dependent/Independent OR: 1.78 [1.09–2.90] (Dependent wrt Independent) (Pugely, Callaghan et al., 2013)-a
Functional status (patient) Dependent/Partially Dependent/Independent OR: 1.31 [1.11–1.54] (Partially Dependent wrt Independent)
OR: 1.41 [1.01–1.97] (Dependent wrt Independent)
(Basques, Bohl et al., 2015)
Functional status (patient) Dependent/Independent OR: 1.66 [1.10–2.50] (Dependent wrt Independent) (Shah, Keswani et al., 2017)
Hematological disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 2.64 [1.88–3.73] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Hypertension (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.28 [0.91–1.79] (Yes wrt No) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
Hypertension (patient) Yes/No OR: 23.6 [22.4–24.8] (Yes wrt No) (Swensen, Bastian et al., 2018)-b
Hypertension (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.22 [1.09–1.36] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Hypertension (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.26 [0.88–1.82] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Hypertension (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.21 [1.02–1.45] (Yes wrt No) (Basques, Bohl et al., 2015)
Hypertension (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.2 [1.1–1.4] (Yes wrt No) (Martin, Gao et al., 2016)
Hypertension (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.17 [1.12–1.21] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Ischemic heart disease/arrhythmia (patient) Yes/No RR: 1.60 [1.20–1.40] (Yes wrt No) (Higuera, Elsharkawy et al., 2011)-a
Ischemic heart disease/arrhythmia (patient) Yes/No RR: 1.73 [1.36–2.21] (Yes wrt No) (Higuera, Elsharkawy et al., 2011)-b
Ischemic heart disease/arrhythmia (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.84 [1.00–3.40] (Yes wrt No) (Sofu, Üçpunar et al., 2017)
Liver disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.57 [1.39–1.77] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Lymphoma (patient) Yes/No OR: 23.6 [22.25–24.95] (Yes wrt No) (Swensen, Bastian et al., 2018)-b
Malnutrition (patient) Albumin <3.4 g/dL (% readmitted) 8.8% (Schroer, Diesfield et al., 2018)
Narcotic use (patient) Narcotic prescription filled within 3 months of surgery (% readmitted) 10.7% (Schroer, Diesfield et al., 2018)
Neurological disorder (patient) History: Yes/No OR: 5.66 [2.79–11.47] (Yes wrt No) (Khan, Hossain et al., 2012)
Number of comorbidities (patient) Continuous OR: 1.53 [1.17–1.90] (Swenson, Bastian et al., 2018)-a
Pneumonia (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.52 [1.08–2.12] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Preoperative corticosteroid use (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.64 [1.03–2.61] (Yes wrt No) (Pugely, Callaghan et al., 2013)-a
Preoperative corticosteroid use (patient) Yes/No OR: 2.93 [1.73–4.95] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Preoperative corticosteroid use (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.38 [1.04–1.83] (Yes wrt No) (Basques, Bohl et al., 2015)
Preoperative corticosteroid use (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.86 [1.21–2.89] (Yes wrt No) (Shah, Keswani et al., 2017)
Prior cardiac surgery (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.92 [0.71–5.22] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Protein deficiency (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.99 [1.49–2.64] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Psychiatric disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.97 [1.65–2.35] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Pulmonary disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 8.83 [7.20–10.47] (Yes wrt No) (Swenson, Bastian et al., 2018)-b
Pulmonary disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.36 [0.65–2.86] (Yes wrt No) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
Pulmonary disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.45 [1.17–1.80] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Pulmonary Disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.46 [1.22–1.75] (Yes wrt No) (Basques, Bohl et al., 2015)
Renal disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.57 [1.39–1.76] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Renal failure - end stage disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 2.64 [1.81–3.85] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Renal failure (patient) Yes/No (Creatinine > 1.2/≤1.2) OR: 1.2 [1.1–1.4] (Yes wrt No) (Martin, Gao et al., 2016)
Renal failure (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.26 [1.18–1.36] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Rheumatoid arthritis (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.19 [1.10–1.29] (Yes wrt No) (Siracuse and Chamberlain 2016)
Severe adverse event pre-discharge (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.76 [1.11–2.78] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Severe pre-discharge adverse event (patient) Wound infection, thromboembolic event, myocardial infarction, wound dehiscence, unplanned intubation, ventilator >48 h, renal insufficiency, renal failure, stroke/CVA, cardiac arrest requiring CPR, sepsis, septic shock, death: Yes/No OR: 13.13 [5.1–33.79] (Yes wrt No) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
Smoking (patient) Tobacco use: Yes/No (% readmitted) 7.6% (Schroer, Diesfield et al., 2018)
Smoking (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.62 [1.06–2.46] (Yes wrt No) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
Smoking (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.38 [1.20–1.58] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Smoking (patient) None/Ex-smoker/Smoker OR: 1.14 [0.64–2.00] (Ex-smoker wrt None)
OR: 1.24 [0.56–2.73] (Smoker wrt None)
(Heyes, Tucker et al., 2015)
Steroids (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.79 [0.86–3.74] (Yes wrt No) (Sher, Keswani et al., 2017)
Steroids for chronic disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.43 [1.14–1.79] (Yes wrt No) (Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Stroke (patient) Yes/No 3 OR:.75 [2.66–5.28] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Substance abuse (patient) Yes/No HR: 2.05 [0.9–4.8] (Yes wrt No) (Schairer, Sing et al., 2014)
Vascular disease (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.48 [1.31–1.67] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Postoperative surgical complications
Deep venous thrombosis (patient) Yes/No OR: 14.37 [5.39–38.29] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Infection (patient) Yes/No OR: 1.59 [1.05–2.38] (Yes wrt No) (Stavrakis, SooHoo et al., 2015)
Pulmonary embolism (patient) Yes/No OR: 19.09 [5.82–62.65] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Superficial surgical site infection (patient) Yes/No OR: 29.66 [14.43–60.96] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Postoperative medical complications
Number of significant risk factors (patient) 0/1/2/3/≥4 OR: 1.22 [0.95–1.57] (1 wrt 0) p > 0.05
OR: 1.90 [1.51–2.40] (2 wrt 0)
OR: 3.20 [2.54–4.02] (3 wrt 0)
OR: 5.06 [4.01–6.38] (≥4 wrt 0)
(Yao, Keswani et al., 2016)-a
Pneumonia (patient) Yes/No OR: 2.72 [0.67–11.05] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Postoperative ICU stay (system) Yes/No OR: 2.09 [1.12–3.88] (Sofu, Üçpunar et al., 2017)
Sepsis or septic shock (patient) Yes/No OR: 9.85 [3.39–28.64] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)
Urinary tract infection (patient) Yes/No OR: 2.18 [0.90–5.31] (Yes wrt No) (Mednick, Alvi et al., 2014)

a: Effect size reported as Adjusted Odds Ratio (OR) or Hazards Ratio (HR) or Relative Risks Ratio (RR) typically at p < 0.05 (some ratios significant at higher p values reported by some authors); b: Odds ratio for continuous variables is reported as change in readmission odds for unit change in continuous variable; wrt: with respect to; ALF: Assisted Living Facility; AS: Antibiotic Spacer; ASA: American Society of Anesthesiologists patient fitness level before surgery; BMI: Body Mass Index; CCI: Charlson Comorbidity Index; CI: Confidence Interval; CN: Cephalomedullary Nail; COPD: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; DHS: Dynamic Hip Screw; HA: Hemiarthroplasty; HCT: Hematocrit; HHC: Home Health Care; ICU: Intensive Care Unit; IMN: Intra-Medullary Nail; IRF: Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility; LOS: Length of Stay; MELD: Model for End-stage Liver Disease; ORIF: Open Reduction Internal Fixation; QOL: Quality of Life; SNF: Skilled Nursing Facility; TKA: Total Knee Arthroplasty; THA: Total Hip Arthroplasty.