Identification of new culture conditions in E&F-independent GSCs among IDH1-wt GSCs. (A) The 6-day cell proliferation rates of each cluster without or with E&F. The E&F-dependent group differed significantly in 6-day cell growth rates according to whether E&F were present (Clusters 1 and 4, p = 0.0145 and p < 0.0001, respectively), while E&F-independent 6-day cell growth rates were not affected by the absence of E&F (Clusters 2 and 3). (B) The enrichment of a cell cycle-associated gene set (KONG_E2F3_TARGETS, the left panel) in E&F-dependent group and enrichment of a glioblastoma mesenchymal gene set (VERHAAK_GLIOBLASTOMA_MESENCHYMAL, the right panel) in the E&F-independent group. (C) The distribution of glioblastoma subtypes into independent and dependent groups in IDH1-wt DIGs. (D–E) The culture conditions with higher growth success rates than the NBE condition for E&F-independent group (D) and mesenchymal IDH1-wt GSCs (E). The bars and dots indicate growth success rates and cell growth indices, respectively. (F) The cell growth indices of IDH1-wt GSCs from a validation cohort under epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) (E&F; referred to as NBE) and pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF)/midkine (MDK)/E&F conditions. The dots represent the values from technical duplicates.