Table 1.
Crystal data for Emodin.
Chemical formula | C15H12O6 | |
Formula weight | 288.25 g/mol | |
Temperature | 125(2) K | |
Wavelength | 0.71073 Å | |
Crystal size | 0.02 x 0.05 x 0.30 mm | |
Crystal habit | clear orange-yellow needle | |
Crystal system | monoclinic | |
Space group | P 21/c | |
Unit cell dimensions | a = 9.612(2) Å | α = 90° |
b = 15.157(3) Å | β = 113.051(2)° | |
c = 9.232(2) Å | γ = 90° | |
Volume | 1237.6(5) Å3 | |
Z | 4 | |
Density (calculated) | 1.547 g/cm3 | |
Absorption coefficient | 0.121 mm−1 | |
F(000) | 600 | |
Theta range for data collection | 2.30 to 28.28° | |
Index ranges | −12<=h<=12, −20<=k<=20, −12<=l<=12 | |
Reflections collected | 26402 | |
Independent reflections | 3069 [R(int) = 0.1218] | |
Coverage of independent reflections | 99.9% | |
Absorption correction | Multi-Scan | |
Max. and min. transmission | 0.9980 and 0.9650 | |
Structure solution technique | direct methods | |
Structure solution program | SHELXT 2014/5 [16] | |
Refinement method | Full-matrix least-squares on F2 | |
Refinement program | SHELXL-2016/6 [16] | |
Function minimized | Σ w(Fo2 − Fc2)2 | |
Data / restraints / parameters | 3069 / 0 / 238 | |
Goodness-of-fit on F2 | 1.709 | |
Δ/σmax | 0.012 | |
Final R indices | 1643 data; I>2σ(I) | R1 = 0.0591, wR2 = 0.0548 |
all data | R1 = 0.1390, wR2 = 0.0599 | |
Weighting scheme | w=1/[σ2(Fo2)] where P=(Fo2+2Fc2)/3 | |
Largest diff. peak and hole | 0.404 and -0.327 eÅ−3 | |
R.M.S. deviation from mean | 0.070 eÅ−3 |