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. 2020 Mar 20;12(3):732. doi: 10.3390/cancers12030732

Table 1.

Various five-year outcome parameters of early stage glottic laryngeal cancer (T1-2N0) according to T stage.

Stage Local Control Disease-Specific Survival Disease-Free Survival Overall Survival Voice Laryngeal Preservation Comment
T1a RT: 93 TOLS: 81 [14] RT: 96 TOLS: 100 [14] RT: 78 TOLS: 69 [14,15] RT: 86–89 TOLS: 86–87 [14] Significantly better VHI, GRBAS, jitter, shimmer, noise-harmonic rate and maximum phonation time after RT (1) [14,16] RT: 77–93 TOLS: 69–100 [14] No significant difference except for (1)
T1b RT: 86 TOLS: 95 in 2 years * [17] RT: 86 TOLS: 89 in 2 years * [17] RT: 95 TOLS: 94 in 2 years * [17] Significantly better VHI and less voice deficiency after RT (1) [14] RT: 86 TOLS: 100 in 2 years * [17] No significant difference except for (1)
T1a-b mixed RT: 87-94 TOLS: 75–91 (1) [5,14,18] RT: 96–97 TOLS: 100 [5,14] RT: 87% TOLS: 75% (1) [5] RT: 79–89 TOLS: 86–91 [5,14,18] Significantly better understandability and VHI scores after RT (2) [14,19] No difference (3) [18] Varied (4) [20] RT:93–94
TOLS: 100 [14,18]
No significant difference except for (1): one study [5] showed better LC and DFS after RT. (2): Better understandability and VHI scores after RT (3): One study [18] showed no difference. (4): One study [20] showed worse GRBAS if cordectomy > type II
T2 RT: 76 TOLS: 88 in 3 years * [21] RT: 71 TOLS: 88 in 3 years * [21] RT: 94 TOLS: 100 in 3 years * [21] No significant difference despite selection bias
T1-2 mixed RT: 86 TOLS: 75 [14] RT: 94 TOLS: 99 [14] RT: 72 TOLS: 90 [14] Significantly better VHI and understandability after RT(1) [14,19] RT: 76-83 TOLS: 87-93(2) [14,19] No significant difference except for (1) and
(2): One study [14] showing better (93% vs. 83%) laryngeal preservation after TOLS, whereas RT was more often offered for advanced stages.

*: No study with five-year outcome found that compared treatment modalities on patients exclusively treated in and after 1999; DFS: disease-free survival; GRBAS: grade (G), roughness (R), breathiness (B), asthenia (A), and strain (S); LC: local control; RT: radiotherapy; TOLS: transoral laser surgery; VHI: voice handicap index.