The growth kinetics of Mtb and ppe51 mutants in minimal medium at pH = 7.0 Growth kinetics of the wild-type (black) strain and the T-6/2 (red), PPE51 CRISPR weak (green) and PPE51 CRISPR strong (blue) mutants of M. tuberculosis in minimal medium containing glucose (A), glycerol (B), maltose (C) or lactose (D), at pH = 7.0. The kinetics were evaluated by measuring the absorbance at 600 nm at the indicated time points. The displayed values are the means ± standard errors of at least three independent experiments. Statistical significance: one, two and three stars denote p-values ≤0.05, ≤0.01 and ≤0.001, respectively (Student’s t-test). Statistical significance of growth between the wild-type strain and the T-6/2 (red star), PPE51 CRISPR weak (green star) and PPE51 CRISPR strong (blue star) mutants was analyzed at 192 and 288 h.