Simulated oligodendrocyte (ODC) dynamics for six patients. For each of the six patients, we depict the best simulation obtained, i.e., the one that parallels real patient data. Specifically, in panel (a), virtual patient id 2789 has an age belonging to the range 30–39; MS was initially diagnosed at the age of 33; oligoclonal bands are positive; the patient was two times pregnant; the maximum number of lesions detected by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan was 14; spinal lesions were not detected and teriflunomide was the chosen treatment. In panel (b), virtual patient id 2961 has an age belonging to the range 30–39; MS was initially diagnosed at the age of 29; oligoclonal bands are negative; no pregnancy was detected; the maximum number of lesions detected by MRI scan was 65; spinal lesions were not detected and no treatment was chosen. In panel (c), virtual patient id 2070 has an age belonging to the range 30–39; MS was initially diagnosed at the age of 31; oligoclonal bands are negative; no pregnancy was detected; the maximum number of lesions detected by MRI scan was 49; spinal lesions were not detected and IFN-β1a was the chosen treatment. In panel (d), virtual patient id 1070 has an age belonging to the range 20–29; MS was initially diagnosed at the age of 20; oligoclonal bands are positive; no pregnancy was detected; the maximum number of lesions detected by MRI scan was 82; spinal lesions were detected by MRI scan and IFN-b 1a was the first chosen treatment, then fingolimod and finally natalizumab were administered. In panel (e), virtual patient id 3736 has an age belonging to the range 30–39; MS was initially diagnosed at the age of 30; oligoclonal bands are positive; the patient was one time pregnant; the maximum number of lesions detected by MRI scan was 28; spinal lesions were not detected by MRI scan and natalizumab was the chosen treatment. In panel (f), virtual patient id 5793 has an age belonging to the range 20–29; MS was initially diagnosed at the age of 26; oligoclonal bands are positive; no pregnancy was detected; the maximum number of lesions detected by MRI scan was 28; spinal lesions were not detected by MRI scan and natalizumab was the chosen treatment.