Figure 1.
Actin cytoskeleton rearrangement during the cell cycle (in haploid or diploid cells). (1) Mid G1 phase: In the cell cycle actin (patches and cables) polarization starts during the shift from mid-G1 (1) to late-G1 phase (2). (2) Late G1 phase: Cells choose a new (nascent) bud site and then actin patches start to polarize to this nascent bud site and actin cables orient towards this nascent bud site (N.B. the spatial relationship of the nascent bud site to the previous bud site differs in haploids and diploids). (3) S phase: Cortical actin patches cluster at the tip of the bud and actin cables in the mother cell are oriented towards the newly formed bud. (4) G2 phase: Actin patches remain polarized to the growing bud but are no longer clustered and become isotropic within the bud while actin cables in the mother cell remain oriented to the growing bud. (5) Mid M-phase (mitosis): Actin patches become completely depolarized throughout the mother cell and bud while maintaining localization around the cell cortex and actin cables are randomly oriented. (6) Late anaphase: Actin patches and cables are depolarized in the large bud and mother cell and actin is recruited to the Myo1p ring to form an actomyosin ring. (7) Telophase/Early G1: Actin patches are polarized and actin cables are oriented to the site of cell division in both the mother cell and bud and contraction of the actomyosin ring results in cytokinesis.