Plant pattern recognition receptors, coreceptors, and corresponding ligands. Receptor complexes are grouped according to the structural class of the (putative) ligand binding receptors. Receptor complex components listed have biochemically or genetically been shown to be involved in perception of cognate patterns. Species prefixes for receptors and coreceptors: At, Arabidopsis; Bn, B. napus; Lj, L. japonicus; Md, Malus domestica; Mt, M. truncatula; Nb, N. benthamiana; Os, O. sativa; Ps, P. sativum; Sl, S. lycopersicum; Sm, Solanum microdontum; Vu, V. unguiculata; and Vv, Vitis vinifera. Species prefixes are indicated for coreceptors if studied in the same species as the receptor, but are excluded if studied in (multiple) heterologous organisms. Identified minimal epitopes of patterns are given in parentheses. Dependent on the range of analysis, pattern origins are stated as whole kingdoms or as species names, which does not exclude a broader, yet unknown, distribution.