Phylogenetic analysis of the amino acid sequences of PpAAT1 from different peach cultivars. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the maximum likelihood method with 1,000 bootstrap replicates using MEGA 6.06. The numbers on the nodes are support values. High-aroma cultivars are as follows: Fenghuayulu and Baohua. Low-aroma cultivars are as follows: Nanshantiantao, Chunxiami, Xiao, Xiahui, Qiyuan, Nonglin, Longhua, Datuan, Chunmi, Chiyuan, Changyi, Baitao, Achutao, Abu, Youmin, Xian, Jingxiu, Dahua, Yanwo, Xiacui, Shiwo, Qingwang, and Huayu.