Functional biological processes affected in the erdj3b mutant at 29°C, as revealed by RNA-seq analysis. A, Total RNA fractions prepared from anthers from stage 8 to 13 flowers of wild-type and erdj3b-1 plants grown at 22°C or 29°C and subjected to RNA-seq analysis. The Venn diagram indicates the numbers of genes differentially expressed between wild-type and erdj3b plants grown at 22°C (WT; 22°C vs 3b; 22°C), wild-type and erdj3b plants grown at 29°C (WT; 29°C vs 3b; 29°C), wild-type plants grown at 22°C and 29°C (WT; 22°C vs WT; 29°C), and erdj3b plants grown at 22°C and 29°C (3b; 22°C vs 3b; 29°C). B, Venn diagrams showing the numbers of genes down- and up-regulated in wild-type and erdj3b (3b-1) plants grown at 29°C compared with the corresponding plants grown at 22°C. C, Overrepresented GO terms of down-regulated (top graph) and up-regulated (bottom graph) genes in wild-type and erdj3b plants grown at 29°C compared with the corresponding plants grown at 22°C. Asterisks indicate corrected P values adjusted by Benjamini and Hochberg’s method (P < 0.05). Background means all genes in the Arabidopsis genome.