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. 2020 Mar 27;14(3):e0008075. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0008075

Table 7. Frequency and percentages of the questions on the practice of dengue prevention in the flooded and unflooded area.

  Flooded area Unflooded area
Items Pre-test Post-test % change P-value Pre-test Post-test % change P-value
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
35. Eliminate standing water around the house to eliminate mosquitoes 108 (100%) 86 (100%) - - 94 (98.9%) 82 (100%) 1.1 0.354
36. Rear mosquito eating fish in tanks/pools to reduce mosquitoes 98 (90.7%) 83 (96.5%) 5.8 0.095 92 (96.8%) 77 (93.9%) -2.9 0.351
37. Turn over/Cover tightly containers to avoid water collection 102 (94.4%) 86 (100%) 5.6 0.014 94 (98.9%) 80 (97.6%) -1.3 0.479
38. Use mosquito bed nets to avoid mosquito bites 104 (96.3%) 82 (95.3%) -1.0 0.743 88 (92.6%) 79 (96.3%) 3.7 0.278
39. Use insecticide to kill mosquitoes 89 (82.4%) 83 (96.5%) 14.1 <0.001 91 (95.8%) 78 (95.1%) -0.7 0.832
40. Wear light colored and fully covered clothes to avoid mosquito bite 74 (68.5%) 77 (89.5%) 21.0 <0.001 64 (67.4%) 65 (79.3%) 11.9 0.073
41. Clear up bushes/vegetation around house to reduce mosquitoes 100 (92.6%) 84 (97.7%) 5.1 0.094 87 (91.6%) 75 (91.5%) -0.1 0.978
42. Cleaning of garbage/trash around house 107 (99.1%) 86 (100%) 0.9 0.374 94 (98.9%) 81 (98.8%) -0.1 0.917
43. Government spray insecticide (fogging) to kill mosquitoes 104 (96.3%) 79 (91.9%) -4.4 0.205 95 (100%) 78 (95.1%) -4.9 0.045

Comparison using Independent t-test, significant values are in bold, P<0.05