Figure 1. Tests of exponent estimation for the DLFNN using N = 104 simulated fBm trajectories.
(a) Plots showing the Hurst exponent estimates of fBm trajectories with data points by a triangular DLFNN with three hidden layers compared with conventional methods. Plots are vertically grouped by Hurst exponent estimation method: (left to right) rescaled range, MSD, sequential range and DLFNN. values are shown in the title. Top row: Scatter plots of estimated Hurst exponents and the true value of Hurst exponents from simulation . The red line shows perfect estimation. Second row: Due to the density of points, a Gaussian kernel density estimation was made of the plots in the top row (see Materials and methods). Third row: Scatter plots of the difference between the true value of Hurst exponents from simulation and estimated Hurst exponent . Last row: Gaussian kernel density estimation of the plots in the third row. (b) as a function of the number of consecutive fBm trajectory data points for different methods of exponent estimation. Example structures for two hidden layers and time series input points of the anti-triangular, rectangular and triangular DLFNN are shown in (c, d and e), respectively. (f) as a function of the number of hidden layers in the DLFNN for triangular, rectangular and anti-triangular structures. (g) as a function of the number of randomly sampled fBm trajectory data points with different number of hidden layers in the DLFNN shown in the legend. (h) as a function of the noise-to-signal ratio () (NSR) from Gaussian random numbers added to all data points in simulated fBm trajectories. (i) Plots of bias , variance and mean square error (MSE) as functions of . For each value of , fBm trajectories with points were simulated and estimated by a triangular DLFNN.