Figure 5.
Hypothetical representational structures. Expected representational dissimilarity matrix (RDM) structure for (A) domain-level, (B) category-level, and (C) depth-level distributed representations. Filled (gray) cells represent higher dissimilarities than empty (white) cells. Each RDM is arranged by stimulus type (domain, then category) and depth (from superficial to deep). Thus, starting from the top left, each 3 × 3 square represents the similarity among items from the same category across the 3 depths, and each 6 × 6 square represents the similarity among items from the same domain across categories and depths. D–F, 2D MDS embeddings of the RDMs (in A–C) after adding white noise to the RDMs to prevent points from being perfectly overlapping. Colors represent the categories (same as in A–C). Shapes represent depths as follows: upward triangle represents superficial; square represents middle; downward triangle represents deep. Dashed lines connect the centroids of each pair of categories from a domain.