Figure 3.
mTOR inhibition during differentiation reduces morphologic complexity in differentiating OPCs in vitro. A, Images show representative primary rat oligodendroglia stained with tubulin at D2 or D3 of differentiation plus or minus rapamycin. Scale bar, 20 µm. B–E, Individual cells were analyzed using NIH ImageJ to quantify the number of Sholl intersections at D2, D3, and D5, error bars are SEM. F, Area under curve (arbitrary units): D1, Control (Ctl): 338.7 ± 26.49, Rapamycin (Rapa): 323.4 ± 39.76, p = 0.749; D2, Ctl: 563.3 ± 59.89, Rapa: 372.2 ± 28.72, *p= 0.005; D3, Ctl: 480.9 ± 58.66, Rapa: 346.2 ± 28.38, *p = 0.041; D5, Ctl: 779.2 ± 84.06, Rapa: 479.0 ± 66.07, *p = 0.006.