Sampling schematic. Sampling included mid-lactation (ML) samples (May 2016), where a whole processing run was sampled from farm bulk tank milk to skimmed milk powder. This included 67 farm bulk tanks, the 11 collection tankers used to collect this milk, and the whole-milk silo into which this milk was pooled (2 samples were obtained). Milk in the WMS was subjected to pasteurization and separation and stored in a skimmed milk silo from which 2 samples were obtained. Milk in the SMS was subjected to heating and drying to make a skimmed milk powder (SMP), from which 9 samples were obtained, 3 samples from each of 3 bags. The same 67 farms were resampled during late lactation (October 2016) (LL1, late lactation 1). On a separate day during this late-lactation period (December 2016) (LL2, late lactation 2), samples from tankers and the processing run, including an additional cream sample, were collected for analysis.