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. 2020 Apr 2;11:299. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00299


Review of the alcoholysis reaction of white mustard oil.

Type of alcohol Alcohol:oil molar ratio Catalyst/amount (% of oil) Temperature (°C) Type, volume of reactor/agitation speed (rpm) Yield (purity) (%/time) References
Methanol 2:1–10:1 NaOH/0.2–1.0 50–70 Three-neck flask, 250 mL/magnetic/800 rpm 96.5%/ 62.12 mina Yesilyurt et al., 2019
Methanol 6:1 KOH/1 40–60 Stirred reactor, –/600 rpm Issariyakul and Dalai, 2012
Methanol 6:1 CH3OK/0.2:1b 60 Stirred reactor, 500 mL/– (>98)/1.5 h; (99)/4 h Ciubota-Rosie et al., 2013
Methanol 6:1 NaOH/0.8 70 Stirred reactor, 2 L/– (82)/2 h Ahmad et al., 2013
Methanol 2:1–10:1 NaOH/0.1–0.9 50–75 Stirred reactor, 500 mL/600 rpm 92/75 minc Sultana et al., 2014
6:1 KOH/0.5 65 84/75 minc
Methanolc 14:1 NaOH/1.2 Room Stirred reactor, 200 mL/magnetic (99.3)/10 mind Tabtabaei et al., 2015
Methanol 12% oil relative to KOH/methanol solution KOH/0.5e 22 Nie et al., 2016
Methanol 25:6 mL/mL KOH/1.8 65 Erlenmeyer flask/magnetic/300 rpm 96.56/2 h Oshodi et al., 2014
Methanol 6:1 KOH/0.3 60 –/2 h Sarala et al., 2012
Methanol Ethanol, propanol, 1-butanol 6:1 KOH/1 CH3ONa/0.5 and 1 60 Stirred reactor, –/600 rpm (66)/1.5 hf Issariyakul et al., 2011
(66)/1.5 hf,g
Methanol NaOH (150 mL, 1 M) 55 Glass container, jerked/– –/5 min Alam and Rahman, 2013
Methanol 6:1–8:1 NaOH/0.7 60 85%/8:1 Ahmad et al., 2008
Methanol 6:1 KOH/1 60 Three-neck flask, 250 mL/magnetic/400 and 900 rpm (98.7%)/20 min Kostić et al., 2018
6:1–12:1 Quicklime/2–10 (98.5%)/50 minh

aOptimal conditions (methanol:oil molar ratio 7.41:1, NaOH 0.63% of oil, 61.84°C); bCatalyst:oil molar ratio; cOptimal conditions (methanol:oil molar ratio 6:1, NaOH 0.5% of oil, 65°C); dIn the presence of THF (THF:methanol 1:1 mL/mL); ewt% to methanol mass; fMethanol, two-step process with glycerol removing between steps; g1% CH3ONa; hOptimal conditions (methanol:oil molar ratio 12:1, CaO 10% of oil) and after ester purification