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. 2020 Mar 15;10(3):491. doi: 10.3390/ani10030491

Table 3.

Mean attributional WQ scores and WQ index scores per system type.

System Attributes Production System Attributional WQ Scores
NFS 1 NCS 1 HCS 1 Total
Mean SD % Mean SD % Mean SD % Mean SD %
A1. Broiler type 217.59 a 10.74 28 225.62 a 11.39 32.6 219.15 a 10.98 32.7 220.92 11.36 32.4
A2. Length growth 33.46 a 3.23 4.3 33.28 a 3.69 4.8 30.20 b 2.67 4.5 31.52 3.4 4.6
A3. Weight at delivery 15.24 a 3.23 2 15.07 a 3.69 2.2 11.06 b 2.67 1.7 12.77 3.63 1.9
A4. Enrichment 9.11 0 1.2 9.11 0 1.3 9.57 0 1.4 9.37 0.23 1.4
A5. %Grain in feed 25.02 a 0 3.2 24.74 a 0.8 3.6 24.77 a 0.6 3.7 24.79 0.63 3.7
A6. Stocking density 164.94 a 20.28 21.2 112.65 b 11.05 16.3 105.43 b 10.12 15.7 114.82 22.37 16.9
A7. Outdoor access 107.90 a 5.06 13.9 116.49 b 5.85 16.9 117.31 b 4.73 17.5 115.92 5.88 17
A8. Daylight 9.11 0 1.2 9.11 0 1.3 9.57 0 1.4 9.38 0.23 1.4
A9. Length of dark period 164.75 a 6.02 21.2 136.82 b 6.48 19.8 134.55 b 5.92 20.1 138.9 11.44 20.4
A10. Flock size 31.14 a 1.1 4 8.21 b 0 1.2 8.21 b 0 1.2 10.99 7.54 1.6
Total WQ index score 778.24 a 29.45 100 691.09 b 32.97 100 669.82 c 27.79 1 681.4 45.25 100

a–c One-way test: values with different superscripts indicate significant differences between systems. (p < 0.05). 1 NFS = normal floor system, NCS = normal cage system, and HCS = high standard cage system.