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. 2020 Mar 20;17(6):2068. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17062068

Table 2.

Knowledge and practice regarding unused and expired medicine among Saudi pharmacy and nursing students.

Characteristics Pharmacy n(%) Nursing n(%)
Do you check the expiry date of medicine before procuring? *
Yes 92 (57.4) 102 (53.4)
No 37 (22.8) 68 (35.6)
Don not know 29 (18) 18 (9.5)
What do you do with unused medicine?
Throw away in household garbage 77(47.2) 117(61.2)
Donate to hospital 18 (11.2) 9 (4.7)
Give to friends or relatives 25 (15.5) 39 (20.5)
Return to medical store 11 (6.8) 9 (4.7)
Keep at home until expired 60 (37.6) 100 (52.5)
Flush in toilet or sink 11 (6.8) 10 (5.3)
What do you do with expired medicine?
Throw away in household garbage 110 (68.3) 141 (74.2)
Flush in toilet or sink 17 (10.6) 12 (6.3)
Give to friends or relatives 8 (5.0) 4 (2.1)
Return to medical store 13 (8.1) 5 (2.6)
Don not know 13 (8.1) 27 (14.2)
Who is responsible for creating awareness of the proper disposal of unused and expired medicine?
Ministry of Health 104 (64.6) 155 (81.6)
Pharmaceutical industry 19 (11.8) 20 (10.5)
Pharmacist 32 (19.9) 31 (16.3)
General public 21 (13) 28 (14.7)
Improper disposal of unused and expired medicine can affect the environment and health.*
Yes 132 (81.8) 174 (91.9)
No 29 (18.1) 16 (8.7)

* Missing responses.