Time needed to lie down, s |
The event starts when one carpal joint of the animal is clearly bent (before touching the ground). The whole lying down sequence ends when the hindquarter has descended and the animal has moved the scapula or leg of the supported underside forward (adapted from Plesch et al. [18]). |
Time needed to stand up, s |
The event starts when the animal starts lifting the hindquarter from the ground. The rising sequence ends when both front legs touch the ground and the animal stands with the entire body weight on all 4 legs [18]. |
Cows undergoing an attempt/s before starting the motion, % |
The lying down/standing up motion is preceded by one or more attempts at lying down or rising. The cow performs at least one attempt to: (1) lie down; when the carpal joint is clearly bent (before touching the ground) but, rather than continuing with the motion, the leg returns to its normal standing position; (2) stand up; when the hindquarter clearly moves forward and body weight leans on both knees but, rather than continuing with the motion, the animal moves backwards and remains in the lying position. |
Incorrect or unfinished sequence, % |
The lying down and rising sequence (described above) is incorrectly performed or unfinished. |
Kneeling, % |
Animal with knees bent supporting mainly body weight and the hind legs extended for at least 5 s (adapted from Krohn and Munksgaard, [19]). |