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. 2020 Mar 19;10(3):516. doi: 10.3390/ani10030516

Table 2.

Results of Animal Cruelty Inspections as Outlined by the CVO.

Dismissal A Concern is Dismissed if the Inspection Produces no Evidence of Abuse or Animals in Distress.
Corrective Action For minor infractions, the APO outlines improvements the owner must make. A follow-up inspection is performed to ensure the owner has complied.
Seizure of Animals If there are reasonable grounds to believe animals are in distress, the APO may supply any care deemed necessary to relieve the distress. Under Section 9 (1) of the Act, the APO may also seize the animals, either immediately or at a later date. Seizure of animals is for the purpose of protecting the animals and relieving distress and is not a form of punishment of the owner.
Charges Under the Animal Care Act If infractions to the Animal Care Act are discovered, the matter is investigated, and charges may be filed. Charges may include:
Common Offence Notice (CON)/fines
Court prosecution

Data supplied by Manitoba Agriculture.