Table 2.
Results of Animal Cruelty Inspections as Outlined by the CVO.
Dismissal | A Concern is Dismissed if the Inspection Produces no Evidence of Abuse or Animals in Distress. |
Corrective Action | For minor infractions, the APO outlines improvements the owner must make. A follow-up inspection is performed to ensure the owner has complied. |
Seizure of Animals | If there are reasonable grounds to believe animals are in distress, the APO may supply any care deemed necessary to relieve the distress. Under Section 9 (1) of the Act, the APO may also seize the animals, either immediately or at a later date. Seizure of animals is for the purpose of protecting the animals and relieving distress and is not a form of punishment of the owner. |
Charges Under the Animal Care Act | If infractions to the Animal Care Act are discovered, the matter is investigated, and charges may be filed. Charges may include: Common Offence Notice (CON)/fines Court prosecution |
Data supplied by Manitoba Agriculture.