Histopathological findings regarding colon of mice treated for 7 days with Saline solution [(A) Control group pre-TNBS (4×), magnification 4×; (B) Control group pre-TNBS (10×), magnification 10×, histological score 3] or Bovine colostrum [(C) Bovine Colostrum group pre-TNBS (4×), magnification 4×; (D) Bovine Colostrum group pre-TNBS (10×), magnification 10×, histological score 1] before TNBS-treatment show that the signs of enteric inflammation are absent or very mild in both groups. Panels (A,B): mild to medium enteritis with evident inflammatory cell infiltrate of the superficial epithelium, mucosa and submucosa. Panels (C,D): very mild enteritis with light infiltration of lymphocytes in the focal distribution in the intestinal tracts.