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. 2020 May;110(5):662–668. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2019.305563


Number of Dispatch Calls for Boston Police Department (BPD), Boston Emergency Medical Services (BEMS), and Boston Fire Department (BFD) for the Warm Season Versus the Full Year: Boston, MA, 2010–2014

Full Year, No. or Mean Warm-Season Restricted, No. or Mean P
Total dispatches
 BPD 2 691 191 1 037 897
 BEMS 494 615 187 284
 BFD 288 526 109 804
Mean dispatches per d
 BPD 2 122.4 2 261.2 < .001
 BEMS 390.1 408.0 <.001
 BFD 227.5 239.2 < .001

Note. Warm season was defined as May through September. A Student t test evaluated the difference in the mean number of dispatches per day for each agency in the warm season compared with full-year analyses, at α = 0.05 significance level.