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. 2020 Apr 8;60(1):e27–e30. doi: 10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2020.03.030

Table 1.

Recommendations for Conservative and Palliative Care Management of COVID-19 Patients (3D-TiCoS)

Phase of Illness Monitoring (Nursing) Drugs for Symptom Control


  • EWS1: ≤7

  • RR: ≤25/minute

  • O2 Sat: >88% (with Venturi mask up to 60%)

  • 3D assessment and vital signs once per shift

  • Evaluate pressure areas & need for pressure relieving mattress

  • Intensify communication with the family and prepare that sick enough to die

Dyspnea/pain: Morphine PO 2–5 mg, 4 hourly with rescue doses (10%–20% of the total daily dose) or PRN
Anxiety: Lorazepam sublingual 1–2.5 mg, 8 hourly or PRN or Levomepromazine PO 5–10 mg, 6 hourly or PRN
Fever: Paracetamol PO 1 g, 6 hourly or PRN
Shivers: Morphine 2–5 mg IV/SC PRN or Pethidine 25–50 mg SC PRN
Prescribing opioids in renal insufficiency: choose Hydromorphone (accordingly to palliative care consultation) Temporary de-prescribing of usual drugs


  • EWS1 >7

  • RR: >25/minute

  • O2 Sat: <88%

  • 3D assessment twice per shift and stop vital signs measurement

  • O2 delivery maximum 4 L

  • Observe respiratory effort

  • Inform the family that patient now unstable and propose visit

Dyspnea/pain: Morphine IV/SC 5 mg, 2–4 hourly with rescue doses (10%–20% of the total daily dose) or PRN
Anxiety/delirium/distress: Diazepam 2.5–5 mg IV or rectal 10 mg 8–12 hourly with rescue doses PRN or chlorpromazine 12.5–25 mg IV PRN or levomepromazione 6.25–25 mg SC PRN
Fever: Diclofenac 75 mg IV with rescue doses PRN or paracetamol rectal 600 mg, 6 hourly
Shivers: Morphine 5 mg IV/SC PRN or pethidine 25–50 mg SC PRN
Hydration maximum 250 mL/day
Suspend futile treatments


  • ARDS

  • O2 Sat: <70%

  • 3D assessment twice per shift if patient alert

  • Assess ABDT2 twice per shift if patient does not communicate

  • Stop O2

  • Inform the family and re-evaluate for family visits

  • Basic care and mouth care

Terminal dyspnea–Respiratory distress:
  • Morphine IV/SC 5 mg (up to every hour) with rescue doses (10%–20% of the total daily dose) or PRN. Evaluate continuous infusion with palliative care team

  • Diazepam 2.5–5 mg IV or rectal 10 mg 8–12 hourly with rescue doses PRN

Hyperactive delirium:
  • Diazepam 2.5–5 mg IV or rectal 10 mg 8–12 hourly with rescue doses PRN

  • Chlorpromazine 12.5–50 mg IV PRN or levomepromazione 12.5–50 mg SC PRN

Fever: Diclofenac 75 mg IV with rescue doses PRN or paracetamol rectal 600 mg, 6 hourly
Shivers: Morphine 5 mg IV/SC PRN or pethidine 25–50 mg SC PRN

COVID-19 = coronavirus disease 2019; 3D-TiCoS = 3D-Ticino 2019-nCov Score; EWS1 = Early Warning Score and rules for 2019-novel coronavirus-infected patients; RR = respiratory rate; O2 sat = oxygen saturation; 3D = dyspnea, distress, and discomfort/pain (from Italian: Dispnea, Distress, and Dolori); Vital signs = blood pressure, oxygen saturation, pulse, and body temperature; PRN = pro re nata (as needed); PO = per os (by mouth); SC = subcutaneously; IV = intravenous; ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome; ABDT2 = agitation, shivering (hyperthermia), distress, tachycardia, and tachypnea (from Italian: Agitazione, Brividi (ipertermia), Distress, Tachicardia e Tachipnea).