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. 2020 Jan 28;19(6):625–641. doi: 10.1080/15384101.2020.1719585

Table 1.

List of mitotic histone PTMs (identified in humans) as well as their writers, erasers and proposed functions during mitosis.

PTM site Writer Eraser Cell cycle-dependent regulation & function
Histone H2A      
H2AS1ph unknown   Increased in S and M phase; required for histone deposition in S phase & chromatin condensation in M phase? [36]
H2AT120ph Bub1   Increased at mitotic centromeres; required for recruitment of Sgo1 and Aurora B [35,63]
Histone H2B      
H2BS6ph CDK1-cyclin B1 PP1 Increased at inner centromeres during mitosis; SET displacement; important for chromosome segregation [37]
Histone H3      
H3T3ph Haspin PP1γ-Repo-Man Increased during mitosis; required for Aurora B recruitment; allows displacement of PHD finger proteins [27,30,104,168]
H3K4me2/3 SET1, MLL1 LSD1, JARID1A Maintained during mitosis; required for centromeric transcription & bookmarking of active genes [5,57]
H3T6ph unknown   Increased during mitosis; allows displacement of PHD finger proteins [30]
H3K9me2/3 SUV39H1/2 JMJD2A Increased at pericentromeres; required for heterochromatin formation & HP1 recruitment [107109]
H3S10ph Aurora B PP1γ Increased during mitosis; HP1 displacement [22,112,113]
H3T11ph unknown PP1γ Increased during mitosis at pericentromeric heterochromatin [31]
H3K27me3 EZH2 UTX, JMJD3 Maintained during mitosis; heterochromatin bookmarking [5]
H3S28ph Aurora B PP1γ Increased during mitosis; displacement of Polycomb group proteins? [25,130]
H3K36me2/3 NSD2, SETD2 JMJD2A Maintained during mitosis; required for centromeric transcription & bookmarking of active genes [5,57]
H3K79me2 DOT1L KDM2B Increased during mitosis; important for chromosomal stability [45]
H3T80ph unknown   Increased during mitosis; important for chromosomal stability [28]
H3T118ph Aurora A   Increased during mitosis; decreased interaction between DNA and histone core; regulation of condensin I and cohesin binding to chromatin [29]
Histone H4      
H4S1ph unknown   Increased in S and M phase; required for histone deposition in S phase & chromatin condensation in M phase? [36]
H4K20me1 PR-Set7 PHF8 Increased during mitosis; required for condensin II binding & CENP-A deposition [46,48,84]
Histone variants      
H2A.XS121ph Aurora B   Increased at mitotic centromeres; Aurora B auto-activation at inner centromeres [40]
H2A.XS139ph (γH2A.X) ATM, CHK2, DNA-PK PP2A, PP4 Detected during mitosis; marks unresolved DNA damage? [4244]
H3.3S31ph Aurora B   Increased during mitosis; p53 activation in response to chromosome missegregation [39,71,72]
CENP-AG1me3 NRMT1   Recruitment of CENP-I and CENP-T [92]
CENP-AS7ph Aurora A, Aurora B PP1γ? Increased during mitosis; Aurora B activation; cohesin protection [41,65,66]
CENP-AS16ph unknown   Important for proper chromosome segregation (together with S18) [68]
CENP-AS18ph CDK2-cyclin E   Regulation of CENP-A deposition [68,93]
CENP-AS68ph CDK1-cyclin B1 PP1α Inhibition of HJURP-mediated CENP-A deposition during mitosis [88]
CENP-AK124ub CUL4A-RBX1-COPS8   Mediates interaction with HJURP and deposition at centromeres [96]
Linker histones      
H1S/Tph (multiple sites) CDKs   Increasing phosphorylation during cell cycle progression; involved in transcription, replication, chromatin compaction [38,161]
H1.4T17ph/H1.5S17ph CDKs   Increased in mitosis; increased H1 mobility & eviction from chromatin by SET [74,161]
H1.4S27ph Aurora B   Increased in mitosis; precludes HP1 binding; decreased H1 mobility [114,115]
H1.4S35ph PKA   Increased in mitosis; mediates H1.4 dissociation from chromatin [163]
H1.5T10ph GSK-3   Increased in mitosis; increased H1.5 binding to chromatin [164]