(a) PM2.5- and (b) O3-associated mortality burdens in California in 2012 by emission groups under different concentration response functions (CRFs). (c) Total air pollution-related mortality burdens in California with respect to CRF combinations and the relative contribution of nonlocal emissions to total mortality in percentage. On the Y-axis of (c), each combination includes a PM2.5 CRF (front) + an O3 CRF (back). PM2.5 CRFs include GEMM (G), Krewski (2009) (K), Hoek (2013) (H), and IER (I); O3 CRFs include all-cause mortality from Turner (2016) (Ta), respiratory mortality from Turner (2016) (Tr), and respiratory mortality from Jerrett (2009) (Jr). Local Emissions refers to the California In-state anthropogenic group in (a) and (b), and Nonlocal Emissions includes the other three emissions groups.