Figure 2.
Relationship of H2A.Z and Swr1 binding. (A) Swr1 binding depends on H2A.Z. ChIP-seq data tracks visualized on the UCSC Genome Browser, showing ∼850 kb of Chr IV containing the most prominent peak of Swr1 binding at its own promoter. The set of tracks below show a close-up of SWR1 indicated by dotted lines. Tracks have been scaled to normalize for differences in sequencing read depth. Swr1 binding at this strong site is greatly reduced in the htz1Δ mutant. (B) Correlation between Swr1 ChIP-seq signal between −350 to +150 relative to the TSS and the H2A.Z signal at the +1 nucleosome. The correlation is low, at ∼0.08.