Figure 1 -. Method schematic and coverage data.
(A) Schematic of Cas9 enrichment operation. ROI = region of interest. First, DNA ends are dephosphorylated, then new cuts introduced with Cas9/guideRNA complex, and nanopore sequencing adaptors are ligated to cuts around the ROI prior to loading the sample on the nanopore sequencer. (B) Coverage plots at the KRT19 gene (enriched area 18kb) in four separate enrichment experiments: GM12878 with a single gRNA on each side (minION); GM12878 with three gRNA on each side (minION); GM12878 with three gRNA on each side (flongle); and fresh tumor tissue with three guideRNAs on each side (minION). (C) Table showing total aligned read count, on-target reads (within 20kb of a guideRNA site), on-target percentage, and median coverage at each of the ten enriched regions.