Geographic cell damage remote from site of direct contact with thermochemistry. Centrilobular hepatocytes in lobules adjacent to an embolized artery of one pig are highly vacuolated and scattered apoptotic hepatocytes are present. These changes suggest a secondary effect on the hepatic structures, possibly through hypoxia associated with reduced blood flow and/or through direct or indirect effects of embolization agents. In a low magnification image (A), central regions of lobules adjacent to the embolized arteriole are pale. Arrow indicates area of higher magnification (B), hepatocytes in the central vein (CV) region are swollen and pale, while hepatocytes near portal regions (P) have normal morphology. Arrow indicates magnified area of CV central vein in (C), where some hepatocytes contain multiple, clear intracytoplasmic vacuoles or have condensed, hypereosinophilic cytoplasm and nuclear morphology consistent with apoptosis (arrows). Magnification bars = 2000 microns (A),200 microns (B), and 20 microns (C)