Fig. 5.
Alignment of predicted HAMD17 change calculated by the rsEEG model and predicted HAMD17 change calculated by a machine learning model trained on task-based fMRI activation from a separate analysis on EMBARC data, as well as neural responsivity assessed through spTMS/EEG. n = 24. a) The EMBARC-trained rsEEG and task fMRI models were applied to an independent major depressive disorder data set that had both data types, and the ensuing predicted HAMD17 changes from both models were correlated with each other. spTMS/EEG correlates of the rsEEG phenotype in the independent depressed data set. Pearson’s r = 0.44, p = 0.02 based on the one-sided test against the alternative hypothesis that r > 0. (b) TMS was delivered to bilateral posterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortices (pDLPFC, part of the fronto-parietal control network), anterior DLPFC (aDLPFC, part of the ventral attention network), primary motor cortex (M1), and primary visual cortex (V1). These sites were identified based on independent components analyses on resting-state fMRI data from a separate cohort. (c) A significance plot of the correlation between the spTMS/EEG responses and rsEEG phenotype, as indexed by the leave-one-out cross-validated Pearson’s correlation coefficients between the SELSER-predicted rsEEG phenotype and true rsEEG phenotype, for each of the stimulation sites. n = 24. The SELSER analysis was performed separately for the same set of frequency bands as used in the rsEEG prediction analysis (θ: theta, α: alpha, β: beta, γ: gamma), and for three time windows relative to the TMS pulse (0 – 200ms, 200 – 400ms, 400 – 600ms), followed by a false discovery rate correction (FDR) across all of these tests. Only right aDLPFC stimulation (alpha band, 200 – 400ms: Pearson’s r = 0.60, p = 5.5x10−4 based on the one-sided test against the alternative hypothesis that r > 0), left pDLPFC stimulation (gamma band, 200 – 400ms: Pearson’s r = 0.58, p = 8x10−4 based on the one-sided test against the alternative hypothesis that r > 0) and right pDLPFC stimulation (beta band, 0 – 200ms: Pearson’s r = 0.60, p = 4.6x10−4 based on the one-sided test against the alternative hypothesis that r > 0) survived FDR correction (denoted by asterisks). The plot shows −log10(p) of the correlation of the SELSER-predicted rsEEG phenotype with true rsEEG phenotype.