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. 2019 Jun 4;70(8):1628–1635. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciz461

Table 1.

Summarized Description of Alternative Scenarios

Cost Scenario
Cost Category Base-case Less Intensive Resource Use More Intensive Resource Use
 Supervision and M&E << pilot
Smaller teams and fewer days than pilot
<<< pilot
Same team and fewer days than base-case
< pilot
Bigger team and more days than base-case
 HECM < pilot (no sound cara) < pilot (no sound cara) < pilot (no sound cara)
 AE surveillance and management Same as pilot << pilot (50% less than pilot) Same as pilot
 CDDs < pilot (CDDs only paid for training days) < pilot (CDDs only paid for training days) >> pilot (CDDs were paid per diems for treatment days corresponding to the average income of an 8-h workday (to account for income loss)
 Blood drawers and loascopists > pilot (were paid a higher transport fee per field day, to account for more distant communities: based on responses of questionnaires) > pilot (same as base-case) >> pilot (higher transport fees than base-case)
 School workers None None 100 workers
 Fuel > pilot (extra fuel allowance for MoH and NGDO cars) > pilot (same as base-case) >> pilot (higher allowances than base-case)
 LoaScopes and capillaries < pilot (assumed large-scale prices) < pilot (same as base-case) Same as pilot
 Other consumables < pilot (30% less than pilot) < pilot (50% less than pilot) Same as pilot

Abbreviations: <, less than; <<, lesser than; <<<, much lesser than; >, more than; >>, much more than; AE, adverse events; CDD, community drug distributors; HECM, health education in the community and mobilization; M&E, monitoring and evaluation; MoH, Ministry of Health; NGDO, nongovernmental development organization.

aMegaphone-equipped car.