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. 2020 Apr 9;3(4):e202370. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.2370

Table 1. Characteristics of Included Studies.

Source Study setting Criteria No. CUD, % Male, % Age, y CWS, %
Cottler et al,17 1995, United States Population DSM-III-R CIDI-SAM 102 8 57 37.0 15.7
Wiesbeck et al,18 1996, United States Population DSM-IV SSAGA 1735 50.4 63 32.3 15.6
Budney et al,19 1998, United States Outpatient DSM-III-R Operationalized 62 100 87 31.2 75.8
Crowley et al,20 1998, United States Outpatient DSM-III-R CIDI-SAM, DISC 229 78.6 72 15.8 66.8
Swift et al,21 1998, Australia Population DSM-III-R Operationalized 243 57 58 36.0 20.2
Budney et al,6 1999, United States Outpatient DSM-III-R MWC 54 54 85 33.8 57.4
Schuckit et al,22 1999, United States Outpatient DSM-III-R Operationalized 596 30 66.1 32.0 39.9
Kouri and Pope et al,23 2000, United States Outpatient DSM-IV Self-reported diary 30 100 87 42.5 60.0
Swift et al,24 2000, Australia Outpatient DSM-III-R Operationalized 162 92 53.7 30.0 32.1
Swift et al,25 2001, Australia Population DSM-IV CIDI, DSM-IV, SCID 722 20.8 NA NA 29.5
Stephens et al,26 2002, United States Outpatient DSM-IV SCID, TLFB, ASI 450 100 68.4 36.1 77.6
Budney et al,7 2003, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MWC, MCQ 18 100 61 30.9 77.8
Vandrey et al,27 2005, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MWC, YSR, WDS 72 56.9 90 16.2 58.3
Copersino et al,28 2006, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MJQQ 104 54 78 35.0 44.2
Levin et al,29 2006, United States Outpatient DSM-IV CMR, URICA, RDU 42 100 74 34.3 69.0
Nocon et al,30 2006, Germany Population DSM-IV CIDI-SAM, MWC 732 3.5 NA 19.0 16.1
Lukasiewicz et al,31 2007, France Population DSM-IV Operationalized 278 26.7 90.1 39.0 7.6
Agrawal et al,32 2008, United States Population DSM-IV AUDADIS 1603 12.2 62 30.8 8.0
Chung et al,33 2008, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MWC, SCID 214 60.7 67 16.8 36.9
Cornelius et al,34 2008, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MWC 170 100 54 20.3 43.5
Hasin et al,35 2008, United States Population DSM-IV SCID 2613 57.2 67 58.5 34.4
Jungerman et al,36 2008, Brazil Outpatient DSM-III-R CIDI, TFLB, MWC 160 100 80 32.3 51.3
Milin et al,37 2008, Canada Inpatient DSM-IV CWS, SCID 21 100 67 17.0 100.0
Vandrey et al,38 2008, United States Inpatient DSM-IV WSC 12 100 50 28.2 100.0
Mennes et al,39 2009, United Statesa Outpatient DSM-IV CIDI-SAM 416 48 49 22.0 50.0
Mennes et al,39 2009, United Statesa Outpatient DSM-IV CIDI-SAM 278 63 49 22.0 68.0
Ehlers et al,40 2010, United States Population DSM-IV SSAGA 818 13.9 38 48.4 16.5
Levin et al,41 2010, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MJQQ 469 91 58 31.2 42.4
Preuss et al,42 2010, Germany Inpatient DSM-IV MWC 118 100 85 19.6 72.0
Vorspan et al,43 2010, United Statesa Outpatient DSM-IV MJQQ 43 79.1 69.8 37.0 65.1
Vorspan et al,43 2010, United Statesa Outpatient DSM-IV MJQQ 56 100 71.4 27.0 64.3
Dervaux et al,44 2011, France Inpatient DSM-IV DIGS 92 100 75 28.7 84.8
Gorelick et al,45 2012, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MJQQ, self-report diary 384 92.4 58.3 29.2 40.9
Boggs et al,46 2013, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MJQQ 120 81.7 77 41.5 50.0
Smith et al,47 2013, United Statesa Population DSM-IV AUDADIS 1712 NA 68 34.3 18.8
Smith et al,47 2013, United Statesa Population DSM-IV AUDADIS 1187 NA 68 34.3 9.8
Verweij et al,48 2013, Australia Population DSM-IV SSAGA, CWS, MCQ 2276 23.6 39 31.9 11.9
Bonnet et al,49 2014, Germany Inpatient DSM-IV MWC 39 100 80 28.6 92.3
Greene et al,50 2014, United States Outpatient DSM-IV CDDR 90 84.4 82 16.6 40.0
Lee et al,51 2014, United States Inpatient DSM-IV CWS, MCQ, SCL-90R 30 79.3 100 28.5 73.3
Delforterie et al,52 2015, United Statesa Population DSM-IV AUDADIS, CIDI 1568 11.7 50 24.8 29.2
Delforterie et al,52 2015, the Netherlandsa Population DSM-IV AUDADIS, CIDI 359 16.4 65 23.9 12.5
Herrmann et al,53 2015, United States Outpatient DSM-5 MWC, WDS 136 77.9 73 33.3 50.7
Macfarlane and Christie,54 2015, New Zealand Inpatient DSM-IV MWC 47 100 63 31.0 87.2
Soenksen et al,55 2015, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MWC 93 76.9 100 16.4 66.7
Davis et al,56 2016, United States Outpatient DSM-IV CWS 110 53.4 93 19.2 48.2
Sherman et al,57 2017, United States Outpatient DSM-5 TFLB, MWC, MCQ 302 100 72 30.3 50.3
Chauchard et al,58 2018, United States Outpatient DSM-IV MJQQ 23 100 82.6 27.4 30.4
Livne et al,59 2019, United States Population DSM-5 DSM-5 1527 24.6 66 NA 12.1
Perron et al,60 2019, United States Outpatient DSM-5 MWC 801 1.8 53.6 45.1 52.3

Abbreviations: ASI, Addiction Severity Index; AUDADIS, Alcohol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Schedule; CDDR, Customary Drinking and Drug Use Record; CIDI-SAM, Composite International Diagnostic Interview–Substance Abuse Module; CMR, Circumstances, Motivation, Readiness; CUD, cannabis use disorder; CWS, cannabis withdrawal syndrome; DIGS, Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies; DISC, Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children; DSM-III-R, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fourth Edition; DSM-5, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition; MCQ, Marijuana Cravings Questionnaire; MJQQ, Marijuana Quit Questionnaire; MWC, Marijuana Withdrawal Checklist; SCID, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM; SCL-90R, Symptom Checklist 90–Revised; SSAGA, Semi-Structured Assessment for the Genetics of Alcoholism; TFLB, time-line follow-back; WDS, Withdrawal Discomfort Scale; WSC, Withdrawal Symptom Checklist; YSR, Youth Self-Report.


These studies included 2 or more substudies.