Figure 1.
(A) Zn(II)-mediated unmasking of DA-ZP1 releases active fluorophore ZP1. (B) Structure of DA-FC and graph of Zn(II)-mediated fluorescence release of DA-ZP1 and DA-FC. (C) Selective unmasking of DA-ZP1 fluorescence in INS-1E cells compared to other cell types. (D) Representative images of DA-ZP1- or DA-FC-treated cells under the FITC channel (top) measuring ZP1 release, DAPI staining (middle), and the overlay (bottom). (E) Representative confocal images of dissociated human islets treated with DA-ZP1 followed by immunostaining for C-peptide. (F) Quantification of dispersed human islets treated with DA-ZP1 (n = 4). See also Figure S3. Human pancreatic donor information is available in Table S1. (G) Dispersed human islets were stained, and DA-ZP1+ and DA-ZP1– cells were collected after FACS (n = 4). Representative images show C-peptide (green) and glucagon (red) staining in unsorted, DA-ZP1+, DA-ZP1– cell populations. Nuclei stained with DAPI (blue).