Table 2.
Presentation of self-harm across services* and associated outpatient appointments from 1 August 2011 to 30 September 2015
By individual† | By event‡ | ||||||||
Individuals n (%; 95% CI) |
Females n (%§; 95% CI) |
Events n (%; 95% CI) |
Self-poisoning only n (%; 95% CI) |
Self-injury only n (%; 95% CI) |
Self-poisoning and injury n (%; 95% CI) |
Outpatients¶ n (%; 95% CI) |
Mental health specialty n (%**; 95% CI) |
Paediatric specialty n(%††; 95% CI) |
GP only | 3912 (25; 24 to 26) | 2530 (65; 63 to 66) | 10 690 (37; 36 to 37) | 6194 (58; 57 to 59) | 4181 (39; 38 to 40) | 315 (3; 3 to 3) | 2504 (23; 23 to 24) | 1758 (70; 67 to 73) | 90 (4; 3 to 4) |
Hospital admission only | 1084 (7; 7 to 7) | 652 (60; 57 to 63) | 4171 (14; 14 to 15) | 3364 (81; 79 to 82) | 673 (16; 15 to 17) | 134 (3; 3 to 4) | 1308 (31; 30 to 33) | 907 (69; 65 to 74) | 46 (4; 3 to 5) |
ED only | 3428 (22; 21 to 22) | 1449 (42; 41 to 44) | 7471 (26; 25 to 26) | 1371 (18; 17 to 19) | 5075 (68; 67 to 69) | 1025 (14; 13 to 15) | 1882 (25; 24 to 26) | 1080 (57; 54 to 61) | 46 (2; 2 to 3) |
GP and hospital admission | 2394 (15; 15 to 16) | 1725 (72; 70 to 74) | 2270 (8; 8 to 8) | 1633 (72; 70 to 74) | 149 (7; 6 to 8) | 488 (21; 20 to 23) | 734 (32; 30 to 35) | 592 (81; 74 to 87) | 28 (4; 3 to 5) |
GP and ED | 1979 (13; 12 to 13) | 1150 (58; 56 to 60) | 2144 (7; 7 to 8) | 518 (24; 22 to 26) | 474 (22; 20 to 24) | 1152 (54; 52 to 56) | 545 (25; 23 to 28) | 408 (75; 67 to 82) | 8 (1; 1 to 3) |
ED and hospital admission | 566 (4; 3 to 4) | 331 (58; 54 to 62) | 1133 (4; 4 to 4) | 308 (27; 25 to 30) | 157 (14; 12 to 16) | 668 (59; 56 to 62) | 413 (36; 33 to 40) | 321 (78; 69 to 86) | 17 (4; 3 to 7) |
GP, ED and hospital admission | 2376 (15; 15 to 16) | 1647 (69; 67 to 71) | 1091 (4; 4 to 4) | 289 (26; 24 to 29) | 59 (5; 4 to 7) | 743 (68; 65 to 71) | 383 (35; 32 to 39) | 319 (83; 74 to 92) | 18 (5; 3 to 7) |
Total | 15 739 | 9484 (60; 59 to 61) | 28 970 | 13 677 (47; 47 to 48) | 10 768 (37; 37 to 38) | 4525 (16; 15 to 16) | 7769 (27; 26 to 27) | 5385 (69; 67 to 71) | 253 (3; 3 to 4) |
*Mutually exclusive groups.
†Total number of individuals presenting to service(s) over the study period
‡Event defined as a self-harm presentation across one or more services on a given date
§Percentage of presenting individuals
¶Presence of outpatient appointmnet within the susequent 30 days.
**Percentage of outpatient appointments under a mental health specialty
††Percentage of outpatient appointments under a paediatric specialty
ED, emergency department; GP, general practice.