Figure 4.
A low temperature block synchronizes biosynthetic transport of p75 in the TGN in vivo. (A–E) A low temperature TGN block for zebrafish larvae. (A) Schematic of low-temperature TGN block. (B and C) Apical membrane transport (arrow) of newly synthesized p75-GFP is stalled after a 2-h low temperature block. Arrowheads point to perinuclear pool. n ≥ 5 larvae per condition in three independent experiments. Scale bars are 10 µm. (D) Newly synthesized p75-GFP is retained at the TGN (arrowheads), marked by Galt-tagRFPt. n = 5 larvae. (E) Colocalized p75-GFP+ and B4GALT1-tagRFPt+ pixels from D. Scale bars are 10 µm. (F–H) A TGN block and release assay for zebrafish larvae. (F) Experimental strategy. (G) p75-GFP localization at various time points after a TGN release. p75-GFP is rapidly released from the TGN into apical carriers, progressively accumulating at the apical membrane. Scale bars are 10 µm. (H) Kinetic analysis of p75-GFP transport after a TGN release plotted as a ratio of apical membrane intensity (CAM) to cytoplasm intensity (CC) over time. Data are fitted with a one-phase exponential association model (R2 = 0.8159; n > 20 cells from at least two animals per time point; error bars are SD).