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. 2020 Feb 27;219(4):e201907018. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201907018

Figure S1.

Figure S1.

Further analysis of the coupling between cell shape and myosin II activity in wild-type and spectrin mutant PECs. All images are z-projections at AJs. Pupal eye discs containing GFP-positive MARCM clones of the indicated genotypes were stained for p-MLC (red) and DE-cad (green) in A–A”’ or DE-cad (red) in B–I’. Arrowheads indicate mutant 1° PEC and arrows indicate wild-type 1° PEC from the same mosaic ommatidium. PECs with RokCAT overexpression show increased p-MLC and decreased apical size compared with wild-type PECs (compare arrow and arrowhead in A”). Also note the extra interommatidial cells (yellow asterisks in A”) in RokCAT overexpression clones. 20 ommatidia were used for counting interommatidial cells, and the number on the lower left in A” indicates the number of extra cells per cluster. See Fig. 1 H for quantification of apical area of 1° PEC analyzed in A–I. Scale bars, 5 µm.