Figure 2.
Pivotal role of miR-214 in the regulation of perivascular fibrosis in Ang II (angiotensin II)-dependent hypertension. A, Tail-cuff BP in sham and Ang II infused miR-214−/− and WT littermates (n=9/group). B, Systolic BP measured by telemetry at baseline and during Ang II infusion (average, left; example readings, right; n=5). C, Perivascular collagen accumulation in picrosirius red (top) and Masson trichrome (bottom) staining (representative of n=9; scale bar=300 μm). D, Quantitative analysis of perivascular collagen deposition in Masson trichrome (n=9/group). E, Collagen 1, 3, and 5 mRNA in miR-214−/− and WT littermates infused with buffer or Ang II (n=11/group). F, Aortic collagen quantification by hydroxyproline assay (n=7 in Sham and n=9 in Ang II). Data presented as mean±SEM; repeated measures 2-way ANOVA (A and B), Kruskal-Wallis test with FDR correction (D and F; P values adjusted for 6 comparisons) or 2-way ANOVA with Tukey test (E; P values adjusted for 6 comparisons). Overall P values for repeated measures 2-way ANOVA; A (PTime=0.0051, PGroup=1.8×10−8, PTime×Group=0.1378); B (PGroup=0.06, PTime=2.6×10−7, PGroup×Time=0.83); for 2-way ANOVA; E, for Col1a1 (PAngII×Genotype=0.003, PAngII=1.3×10−5, PGenotype=0.0035), Col3a1 (PAngII×Genotype=0.037, PAngII=0.0034, PGenotype=0.033) Col5a1 (PAngII×Genotype=0.028, PAngII=0.0053, PGenotype=0.042), for Kruskal-Wallis; D (P=0.0003) and F (P=0.0006).